Page 83 of Midnight Stage

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“What?” I say, pushing up on my elbow to gape at him. “You’re insane. You bought this for me?”

“Mm-hmm,” he murmurs. “I always knew that at some point, we were going to find our way back together. It was inevitable, and when that happened, I wanted to be able to give you the world, Rae. We’d already lost so much time, and when I found you again, I didn’t want to have to wait. That’s why I bought just down the road from your brother. I thought you’d be happy to be closer to him, and I know it doesn’t get to be that way now, but that’s what I was thinking at the time.”

My gaze lingers on his as my heart swells inside my chest. “You really did this for me?”

He nods, and I lean in, brushing my lips over his. “It’s always been you, Rae. You’ve been my endgame from day one, and I’m done waiting for something we both know we want. I’m not waiting for a hypothetical anything anymore. I’m yours. Every fucking part of me. I’ve always been yours.”

Tears well in my eyes, and I crash into him, my lips fusing with his like they were always meant to be. “I’m not going anywhere, Rae,” he tells me between kisses, his words making every part of my being reignite with life. “It’s you and me.”

His arms cage around me, rolling us until he hovers over me, and as I feel him harden, I lock my legs around him, welcoming him in. He pushes inside of me, and as his lips work over mine and he brushes the tears off my face, I’m filled with the most undeniable love, and I know that from this moment on, we no longer have to fight what was always meant to be.

I’m his and he’s mine. There’s no more hypothetical about it.



Madds loops her arm through mine as we wander down the street in LA, stopping by every store we see along the way. It’s been a crazy few weeks, but now that I have a few weeks off to relax and reconnect with Ezra, I’ve never been so happy. Hence why it’s time to go shopping. If I plan on seducing him morning, noon, and night, I’m going to need every lingerie set under the sun. Though, to be completely honest, I don’t think I need anything at all. I just have to look at him, and he’s ready to go. The chemistry is just there, and it’s always steaming hot.

“Oooh, we have to go in here,” Madds says, as we pass another store filled to the brim with designer dresses that I’m almost positive I won’t be able to afford. At least, not with the money in my bank account. But if you consider my currently non-existent inheritance that I may or may not be getting, then sure, I could probably afford the whole store, and the twelve down the street. Hell, why not include the Lamborghini dealership while we’re at it?

I don’t exactly know how much Axel was worth at his time of death, but the boys were at the height of their career during a sold-out world tour. I’m sure there’s more than I could even imagine, along with cars, properties, and royalties. It blows my mind.

I scrunch my face at Madds. “I don’t know,” I say, glancing through the window. “They look expensive.”

“Hate to break the news to you, but you’re expensive now,” she says just as a few girls stop on the sidewalk and start gaping at me, their phones out and recording.

I let out a sigh as they squeal and bombard me. “Holy shit, are you Raleigh Stone?” one of them asks.

I give her a tight smile and nod, knowing that by the time I get three more steps down the street, my face will already be splashed over the internet. Don’t get me wrong, I love being in Ezra’s life again, but a part of me thought I could still fly under the radar, and for a while, it was working . . . until I decided to give him the lap dance of a lifetime. My ass was all over the internet, and it didn’t take long for people to put the pieces together. They already know I’m Axel’s little sister, and they already know that Ezra and I have a past. And now, the whole world knows about our flaming hot chemistry.

Just fucking great.

The girls squeal and start jumping up and down, asking random shit about Ezra, and within seconds, other people on the street have started to notice. More people flood toward me, and as it starts to overwhelm me, Madds grabs my hand and pulls me into the store.

“Holy fucking shit,” she breathes, her eyes wide as she gapes at the crowd starting to gather outside. “That was ridiculous.”

“You’re telling me!”

“I mean, that’s what you get for dating the biggest rockstar in the world.”

I roll my eyes and glance around the store at the array of dresses around me. “He might be the biggest rockstar in the world to you, but he’s just Ezra to me, the boy I grew up with,” I say. “I mean, I’ve always known the screaming fans came with the territory, but I didn’t think they’d care so much about me. It’s him they want, but suddenly everyone wants to know every detail about my life and has an opinion about it. The lap dance was barely even forty-eight hours ago, and the whole world already knows I dropped out of college, spiraled after Axel’s death, and then lived out of the back of my car. Some asshole even found my stupid abandoned car and posted it online. I can’t escape it.”

Madds offers me a forced smile. “Just give it time,” she says. “They’ll chill out soon, they just need a different story or scandal to obsess over, which is totally manageable by the way. Dig up some of Rock’s or Dylan’s old dirty secrets and dump them in it instead.”

I give her a hard stare. “Not an option.”

Madds shrugs her shoulders and laughs. “Just trying to be helpful,” she sings, picking up a dress and holding it against her body. “I mean, I could always drop mine and Dylan’s accidental sex tape.”

My eyes bug out of my head as I gape at my best friend. “Your what?”

“I know,” she cringes. “It was an accident. We were both so drunk on your birthday, and we were taking a stupid video, and then he started kissing me, and I guess we forgot about the phone, and then the next thing I know, I’m waking up on the floor of a hotel room with a video of Dylan Pope fucking me like a god.”

My jaw drops, and all I can do is stare at her.

“Say something,” she says.

“I . . . you . . . SEX TAPE!”

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