Page 58 of Midnight Stage

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“Like what?” he demands.

I gape at him. “Oh, you really want to get into it? I deserved to know before the fucking media. I deserved to not have to find out by my best friend barging into my room in the middle of the night. I deserved to not have my number blocked by your whole fucking team when I was begging for answers. I deserved to at least have a say in how he was buried, and where. I deser—”

“Okay, shit, Rae. I get it,” he says, firing back at me, just as worked up as I am. “I fucked up. Every chance I’ve ever had with both you and Axel, I have fucked it up, and you punish me for it every fucking chance you get. You’ve made it crystal clear that I’ve let you down.” He takes a breath, running his hand through his thick, dark hair. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to have to live with that guilt every fucking day? To live with the fact that the only person I’ve ever wanted despises me for living my dream.”

I simply stare at him. “That’s what you think?” I scoff.

He opens his arms out wide. “What the fuck am I supposed to think, Rae? You’re not exactly known for being honest anymore.”

“Pray tell,” I groan, getting more frustrated with him by the second. “I’m an open book, Ezra. I’ve been up-front with you since the moment I got here. What the hell have I lied about?”

He steps closer, his eyes brimming with fire. “Why are you so fucking sick at the idea of going back home?”

His words are like a slap to the face, and I hastily back away from him, my heart racing with fear at just the mention of home. “Don’t,” I say, grabbing the bottle and turning away, desperate to conceal the fear in my eyes, knowing he will sense it without even trying.

I wade through the water until I’m back outside, needing the air, and I hear him moving through the water behind me without missing a beat.

“Rae,” he murmurs.

“No,” I whisper, moving right to the edge and staring out at the view that doesn’t quite seem so incredible anymore. “We’re not doing this.”

I feel him move in behind me, his body so close and yet not an inch of his skin brushes mine, not until I feel his fingers at the top of my spine. His touch is like a shot of electricity pulsing right through my skin. “What the hell is this?” he murmurs, tracing the lines of my tattoo that I’d so foolishly forgotten about.


“It’s nothing.”

I close my eyes as his fingers continue moving across the petals of the finely lined rose tattooed at the very top of my spine. A chill sweeps through me as he follows the stem lower to the words that read, “Hypothetically Yours.”

“When?” he murmurs, inching closer until his other hand grasps my waist.

“I was sixteen,” I tell him, feeling the weight of that particular day like a bullet right through the heart. “I got it as a surprise. I was planning on showing you, but . . . you broke my heart instead.”


“Don’t,” I whisper, trying to shrug him off, feeling my body trembling under his touch.

I go to lift the bottle to my lips, but he reaches around me, takes it from my hands, and places it back on the edge of the pool. When his hand returns to my waist, he slowly turns me until those dark eyes are locked on mine.

He holds my stare as his fingers tighten on my waist, both of us breathing heavily as the tension around us becomes unbearable. “Ezra,” I whisper, as the pendants around his neck catch in the soft moonlight, illuminating the ‘R’ that rests right by his chest and making my heart long for something it shouldn’t want.

My gaze drops to his mouth with anticipation, and just as I suck in a deep breath, his lips crash down on mine.

A million fireworks go off in my head as I instantly sink into his kiss. My lips furiously move against his with a longing that’s been building for far too long. Our kiss from earlier at the show was barely a taste, but this is hunger. This is fire, lust, and desperation, and it’s everything I’ve needed.

His arm locks around my waist, pulling me hard against his warm body as he presses me against the edge of the pool, my back flattening against the tiles. My hand scoops around the back of his neck, holding him to me as his tongue dips into my mouth, exploring what’s always been his, what we never should have waited to do.

He grabs my ass, lifting me into his arms, and my legs instantly lock around his waist as the hunger grows more intense within me. His lips drop to my neck, working their way to the sensitive spot below my ear, and I tip my head back in ecstasy as the pleasure rocks through my body.

“God, Ezra,” I groan, clinging onto him as my fingers knot into his hair, but as I feel him grind against me and feel his sheer size hidden within his wet jeans, the desperation morphs into pure animalistic need.

I have to have him, and I have to have him now. I’ve waited too long. I need to have his hands on my body, his lips on mine as I feel the way he pushes that thick cock inside of me. I need to feel the way he works me, the way he stretches me, and fuck, I need to feel the way I come alive beneath his skilled touch.

Lowering my legs from his waist, I reach for the front of his pants, and he pauses, pulling back just an inch. “Are you sure, Rae? I can stop—”

I release the button of his jeans and pull him back in. “If you even think about stopping, I’ll kill you,” I warn as his lips crash back to mine. “I’ve waited too long for this.”

A new determination creeps in, and our kisses become a reckless, needy surrender to every desire we’ve stifled through the years.

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