Page 104 of Midnight Stage

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Ezra has millions of crazy fans across the globe, but not one of them adores him as much as this sweet baby girl does. I swear, the two of them are like two peas in a pod. She’ll be able to play guitar before she can even talk. Actually, she reminds me a lot of Axel in that way. Ezra always jokes that she’s Axel reincarnated. Everything she does has his mannerisms mixed in with a bunch of Ezra’s, and every day that she looks up at me and gives me that big toothy grin, it makes me miss my brother more.

He never got the chance to meet her, and I always find myself wondering if the boys had never left me behind, would Ezra and I have started having children sooner? Would there have been a chance that Axel could have met my little girl? Could she have had the chance to know how incredible her uncle was?

All these questions have dwelled in my mind, and they’re generally a guaranteed way for my mood to plummet to ground zero. But not tonight. Tonight is too big to allow my mind to take a deep dive into the what ifs and should have beens.

As the crowd cheers for the upcoming show, I fix Alexia’s noise-canceling headphones over her ears. These things are a gift from the heavens, but not even they are capable of completely blocking out the insanity that surrounds us.

The lights begin to darken, and Alexia squeals with excitement. We’ve been preparing her for tonight for the past few weeks, warning her just how loud and big it’s going to be, but this kid isn’t afraid of anything. She couldn’t be more excited.

Madds steps in from behind me, making sure to make a big deal about Alexia before cradling her swollen stomach. It won’t be long, and Alexia’s new favorite person will be here. I can just see them now, best friends until the end of time. Just like me and the candle-obsessed sideshow beside me.

Dylan and Madds have been going strong since the day of the accidental sex tape discovery, and when Dylan came to me last night and let me know he was planning to propose after the opening show, I couldn’t be more excited. Until he had to ruin it by telling me how he plans on doing it, and apparently, no amount of arguing will get him to change his mind about tying the ring to a piece of string, and then tying the other end of said string to his dick. So when she goes down on him after the show, he can pop the question, while also popping a stiffy in true Dylan Pope style. Though to be honest, I think Madds wouldn’t have it any other way, but the day their grandchildren come asking about how Poppa asked Nana to marry him, I’d kill to be a fly on the wall.

The lights fade until it’s almost pitch black in the massive stadium, and with almost ninety thousand people cheering for the boys, the atmosphere is simply wild. Then, like a flash of lightning, Rock slams down on the drums and my eyes widen, having no idea how the fuck he just appeared on stage.

A spotlight shines over him as he gives the best damn intro I’ve ever heard, his drums working overtime tonight, and then a second spotlight illuminates Dylan closest to us, and Madds screams along with the other ninety thousand people. “I LOVE YOU, YOU HORNY RAT BASTARD!”

As if hearing her, which is impossible in this stadium, Dylan looks at Madds, and his already beaming smile lights up like Christmas morning.

Next up is Jett, and just like Dylan, the spotlight beams over him, once again blowing me away. I mean, shit. How the hell are they appearing like this? Maybe I should have paid closer attention during rehearsals. Jett launches into an incredible riff, and as I feel his chords vibrate through my chest, I know Axel would be proud. It took me a minute, but I’ve finally decided that Jett has more than earned his position in the band, but I hold my stance that he’s not a replacement for Axel; he’s just another member.

Their intro is already crazy when everything goes silent.

The crowd stops screaming, wondering what the hell is going on, when Ezra’s hypnotic voice sounds through the massive speakers, singing the first line of “Not Waitin’ on a Hypothetical.”

“Eight years runnin’, baby. I’m coming home to you.”

The crowd loses their shit as the stadium falls into silence again, and Alexia almost loses her tiny mind, recognizing her daddy’s voice anywhere.

People frantically search the massive stadium, trying to figure out where Ezra’s hiding, but the drums start again, this time picking up the tempo and making everyone go crazy. Then just like before, it falls to silence, and Ezra sings another line.

“Take my cold dead heart, baby. Make it something new.”

Rock hits the drums with such force, I feel his intoxicating beat rattle through my chest, and this time, he doesn’t let up when Ezra repeats the lyrics, a deep passion in his tone.

“Eight years runnin’, baby. I’m coming home to you.”

“Take my cold dead heart, baby. Make it something new.”

As the heat kicks up and the tempo rises, everyone knows it’s coming and can hardly contain themselves. And then finally, the crowd goes wild as the border of the stage lights up with fire, and right there in the center, with lights beaming up around him, is my man gripping the neck of Axel’s favorite electric guitar.

Everyone loses their shit, screaming for the man that rocks my world every single day, and I couldn’t be prouder.

He doesn’t move an inch, just stands with a wide stance, one hand on the guitar, the other simply dangling by his side, clutching his microphone, and it’s more than enough to make at least five girls in the front row collapse.

Alexia goes apeshit in my arms until I’m forced to put her down, and with her tiny little feet planted on the ground, she jumps up and down and tests her limits when she tries to make her debut appearance on the stage. Though while the label probably won’t be too thrilled about it, I know Ezra will love it.

Then ever so slowly, he lifts the microphone—moving his arm out wide in the process—and tilts his chin to the sky as the anticipation rocks through the crowd. Then as if on cue, all of the guys start playing, and the show starts with a bang.

“Holy fucking shit,” a voice calls from beside Madds. “This is insane.”

I glance around her, not realizing anyone was there, and find Rock’s girlfriend, Tiffany, with a wide grin stretched across her face.

“Oh, you’ve got no idea,” Madds tells her, knowing all too well that this is her first Demon’s Curse concert.

Rock and Tiffany haven’t been together long, a few months perhaps, and so far, it seems to be going great. She’s not a fangirl, which is exactly what he needs. She’s more of a shy, country-music type, but when Carrie Underwood comes on with that “Before He Cheats” banger, she breaks right out of her shell. It’s amazing. I have a good feeling about them, and I hope for Rock’s sake, that she makes him just as happy as Ezra makes me.

I’m completely mesmerized by the show, and despite it being a little over two and a half hours, the seconds tick by all too soon. Before I know it, the boys are wrapping up their opening night, and Ezra crashes into me backstage, his arms scooping right around both me and our sleeping daughter.

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