Page 20 of Nasty Alpha

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“You know my mom and sister are going tostart getting suspicious. I think they’re already starting towonder what I’m doing.”

“Does it matter?” he asked.

“No, not really. I know they care and theyworry about me, but I’ve never done anything crazy before in mylife.”

“I know for a fact you’ve never randomlygone around with a guy having sex.”

Eloise lifted up, tucking some hair behindher ear. “Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that. So, as you know, I haven’t been withanyone but you. I don’t have any sexual diseases, but what aboutyou?”

“As wolves, we don’t have any diseases. Werarely get sick either.”

“Right, uh, possibly stupid question, butwe’re having unprotected sex, and I was wondering how does thatwork for me?” Eloise asked.

Beau knew this could potentially cause themsome trouble. “You won’t get pregnant.”

“I won’t?”


“How do you know?”

“Only our mates can get pregnant,” Beausaid. “There has never been any record or rumor of a human getting pregnant by a wolf. Wesimply don’t mate with humans.”

“So, no worries of babies?”


“Oh,” Eloise said. “That is good toknow.”

There was a smile on her lips but it didn’tquite reach her eyes.

“You’re upset.”

“I’m not upset. What time is it?” sheasked. “I think I’m going to have to go. I’ve got to get food donefor Monday, which you know about.” She pursed her lips as if she was deep inthought.

When she began to start moving away, hecaptured her arm and slid her beneath him.

“You’re upset,” he said, repeatinghimself.

“I think it’s best if I go.”

“Eloise, talk to me.”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t think Ishould talk. I don’t think we should do this anymore. You’re goingto find a mate, and I’m … going to find a husband.”

He growled. Beau didn’t know where it hadcome from, but it was there. “Do not talk to me about being withanother man.”

“How can you be angry with me, when you’vejust admitted that I’m not important to you?” She shook her head. “This is why Idon’t get involved with men or wolves.”

Beau didn’t want to argue with her. He alsodidn’t understand why he had an issue with her being with a man,even a human one.

They were not going to stay together andthere was going to come a time when this fire between themextinguished. He knew this, and yet he moved Eloise beneath him,and stared into her eyes. She didn’t fight him, nor did she tellhim to stop as he spread her legs, and then inch by inch, he beganto slide inside her. The anger and hurt evaporated, which is what he needed forthem.

“We’re not talking about the future. Idon’t want to know what you have planned. We have right now,Eloise, and there is still so much for you to learn. Don’t you wantme to teach you?” He lifted her legs high onto his hips, and heangled her so he could go even deeper.

He saw from her sharp intake of breath thathe’d hit the spot she needed. Another moan fell from her lips andBeau swallowed it down, growling as he did so.

“You taste like sweet fuckingHeaven.”

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