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Because if there's one thing Kaitlyn Hawkins isn't afraid of, it's going after what she wants.

And oh, do I want him.

As the final inning draws to a close and the roar of the crowd crescendos into a triumphant cheer, I find myself already edging toward the dugout. My heart races, adrenaline mixing with raw attraction. Nate's team has won, and the atmosphere is electric, charged with excitement and the sharp tang of victory. I clap my hands, my gaze locked on Jake as he makes his way off the field, his uniform clinging to his muscular frame in ways that command attention.

"Great game, Jake!" I call out, a little louder than necessary, my voice lilting playfully. He glances up, those piercing blue eyes locking onto mine for a brief moment, sending a thrill spiraling down my spine. My breath catches as his lips quirk into a small smile before he returns to discussing some plays with another umpire.

Not wanting to miss my chance, I stride confidently towards him after he's done debriefing. The ground under my feet feels like clouds. I'm barely aware of anything but him. "Hey," I start, trying to sound casual but probably failing miserably. "You were really something out there today."

Jake wipes his brow with the back of his hand, and damn if even that small gesture doesn't seem sexy right now. "Thanks, Kaitlyn," he says in that deep voice that rumbles like distant thunder and seems to vibrate right through me. "Hot day for a game, huh?"

I nod vigorously, moving a step closer. "Definitely hot." I pause for emphasis, biting my lip slightly as I add, "But I think it just got hotter." Cheesy? Probably. But it earns me another of those half-smiles that tell me he's not entirely immune to my charms.

His chuckle is low and intimate. "Is that so?"

Encouraged by his tone, I lean in slightly. "Yeah. And you know what would cool everyone down? A celebration at my brother’s place. He’s throwing a victory party." It’s bold to invite him without confirming with Nate first, but sometimes you have to take risks.

Jake raises an eyebrow—a look that's somehow both skeptical and intrigued. "Is Nate okay with his sister inviting rogue umpires over?"

"I'm sure he won’t mind," I reply quickly, giving Jake a mischievous wink.

Seemingly convinced or perhaps just unwilling to resist the promise of more interactions laced with this palpable tension between us, Jake nods slowly. “Alright,” he agrees mildly. “Sounds like a plan.”

Flushed with success and the prospect of what the evening could bring—laughing under the stars and playing flirtatious games by the poolside—I pull out my phone and text Nate.

Throwing post-game bash at your place. Invite your team!

By the time I look up from sending the message, Jake’s watching me with an intensity that suggests tonight might just be more eventful than any victory party could be on its own.

I sure hope so.




I'm leaning against the cool marble countertop at Nate's after-game bash, trying to look casual. But let's be real—I'm on high alert, waiting for that telltale splash that signals Kaitlyn's diving into the pool. Weeks have dragged by, and it's like I've got this compass inside me that always points to her.

"Hey, Jake, you're zoning out, man!" Nate slaps my back, beer sloshing from his red cup. His eyes are lit up, that post-win adrenaline still pumping through him. I force a grin, clink my cup against his.

"Sorry, just thinking about some calls from the game," I lie smoothly.

But then there it is—the splash—and I forget how to breathe. Kaitlyn's laughter bubbles up, and I make some weak excuse about getting another drink so I can drift closer to where she's swimming. Her skin glistens in the moonlight, and God, those curves of hers could drive a man wild. I'm pulsing with need, and it's taking all I have not to jump in that water with her.

"Jake, you're not much of a swimmer, huh?" She pulls herself up onto the edge of the pool, water cascading off her like she's some kind of goddess.

"Never had the same allure for me as baseball," I say, voice tight. It's true, but right now, watching her, I'm second-guessing all my life choices.

"Maybe you just haven't had the right coach." Her laugh is part challenge, part invitation. And damn if I don't want to accept it.

"Could be," I chuckle, playing it off while my body screams yes.

We're talking more these days—small chats that turned into long conversations. She's got this passion for photography, sees the world through lenses and light in ways I never considered. And when she talks about her latest adventure or the picture she's chasing, it lights something up in me too.

"Got this amazing shot yesterday," she says, pulling out her phone. "Sunrise over the river, you know?"

"Let's see it." I lean in close, and her scent wraps around me, fresh and sweet. The photo is stunning, the colors bleeding into each other like the sky's on fire. "That'"

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