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“Yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to go get some drinks tonight?”

I didn’t have to think about it at all, but I had been dating long enough to know when to pause for effect. I held my breath, counting to five. “Sure,” I said casually.

“Pick you up at seven?”

“Oh, I think I can borrow Macy’s car.” I wasn’t sure if this date would escalate as quickly as our last one did, but I wanted an out just in case.

“Sure,” he agreed. “Meet at the Lady at eight?”

“I’ll be there,” I promised.

He hung up so soon it was almost shocking. There were no stupid goodbyes or long-winded conversations. I was beginning to understand that Mike was a man who said what he meant and didn’t mince words. I didn’t mind it at all.

Happiness bubbled from my gut, shining through my eyes and my smile as I finished my meager lunch and went back to work. As soon as I hit the receptionist’s desk, Lindsey could see that something had changed. She came over when her customer was finished and nudged me.

“Did he call?” she guessed.

“Yes,” I said, looking up from my console.

“And?” Lindsey grabbed one of the waiting chairs and pulled it over to sit down next to me.

“He asked me out.”

“When? Where?”

“Tonight. Drinks,” I answered.

“That’s so exciting!” Lindsey gushed, “I knew you guys would hit it off. He was sneaking glances at you in the mirror while he was getting his hair cut.”

“He was?” I gasped.

Lindsey nodded profusely, not hiding her giddiness very well.

I felt my face flush. Maybe Mike was more into me than I thought. It gave me butterflies deep in my stomach thinking of him and his pickup truck. The smell of the lumberyard in the morning had never left my nostrils. He was more of a man than anyone I had ever dated before.

“What are you gonna wear?” Lindsey asked.

“Oh.” I hadn’t considered that. I had a few dresses in storage, but I hadn’t brought a lot of clothing to Macy’s house. “I have a nice pair of jeans and this blouse with blue flowers on it,” I said.

“What about a dress?” Lindsey suggested. “Or a skirt. I have this little blue skirt, almost like a tennis skirt, that would go great with your flower blouse.”

I hesitated, thinking of the mess I had made of Macy’s little black dress. “I don’t want to impose.”

“Everyone in these parts wears jeans,” Lindsey said, shrugging off my reluctance. “When do you ever have the chance to dress up?”

I laughed, “Never, but—”

“But nothing,” Lindsey interrupted. “I can tell that we’re the same size. Anything I can do to make your night the best or boost your confidence is worth it.”

“Thanks,” I said, blushing. “I have a confession to make.”

“Go ahead.”

“I slept with him on the first date,” I admitted, looking around to see if anyone else had heard. All the other clients were busy with their heads in sinks or blow-drying machines. The stylists were focused on their work.

Lindsey leaned forward. “I may have rushed into things with my husband as well,” she assured me. “But it all worked out in the end.”

“I don’t think I’ll marry Mike,” I said quickly.

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