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“We’re truly sorry,” Agent Grey replies, and I can tell from the look in his eyes that he is genuine in his apology. “The stain that Masterson left on our agency will take a long time to erase, and it will never truly be gone. We had plenty of sins to atone for before him, and now he’s made our work twice as hard.”

“That, he most certainly has,” Amstaff says.

“We have plenty to discuss in the meantime,” Grey looks at me with intention. “I believe the detective here has already brought you up to speed?”

I give him a slight nod. “RICO operation in progress. You need our help. Our intel. You’ve already got the evidence we collected from Mayor David’s private residence, I presume.”

“Precisely. We need your connections. Most importantly, we need you to tell us everything you know and everything you’ve done up to this point so we can work out an immunity deal with the government.”

“Immunity,” Sky says.

Grey nods once. “The Black Hand’s defense attorneys will come at us from every possible angle. They will definitely try to discredit you as witnesses. We don’t want to give them even the slightest opportunity to poke holes in our case, so we’re going to keep doing everything by the book,” he says. “The president and Homeland Security have personally authorized me to draft an immunity agreement with you and the other members of your MC, to begin with. But we have to know what we’re walking into so we’re not taken by surprise later.”

“Fine,” Sky quickly replies. “When can we see Ariana?”

“Not yet, I’m afraid,” Grey says. “As far as the world knows, she was killed that night at the cemetery; collateral damage as SWAT went in hard to arrest you. The mayor is supposedly grieving and taking some personal days off, but he is scheduled for a fundraising speech next Monday at the Reeves Center downtown. We’re looking to get the ball rolling by then on every front, especially since our intel confirms that all the cabal lieutenants will be present at that event.”

“The fuckers are keen to gloat,” Amstaff grumbles.

“Let them,” I say. “They’ll go in gloating, and they’ll walk out in steel bracelets. I’m fine with that.”

What I’m not fine with is not being able to see Ariana for yet another week. These past few days have been fucking hell without her. Shiloh and Amstaff have kept us updated about her overall condition. We know that she’s okay and eating, that she’s getting plenty of sleep and peace and quiet. We also know that she is worried sick and heartbroken about that asshole father of hers, that she misses us, and that she is literally isolated in that hotel room.

“Shall we get going, then?” Grey asks.

Amstaff takes the car keys out of his pocket. “We’re ready.”

“Where are we going?” Raylan chimes in.

“We’ve booked you into a private suite at the Radisson, just north of the city and out of sight,” Grey says. “Our entire team will be present on-site, twenty-four-seven. Our command center is in their ballroom.”

“And nobody knows you’re there?” I ask, somewhat incredulously.

“Gentlemen, we know how to play our cards,” Grey replies with a wry smile. “We’ve conducted more complex operations in significantly more hostile environments. This is New Hampshire. It’s easy for us to blend in and engage in covert operations in broad daylight, believe it or not.”

“Consider me impressed, then,” I shoot back and give Amstaff a decided nod. “Come on, let’s get this over with. I want to go home.”



The fundraiser gala organized for Mayor Henry David is Everton City's event of the year. The news cycle has brainwashed people, and some have even forgotten that my father has barely done anything for this city or its voters.

Outside the theater, there are droves of folks eager to cheer him on while the press and the venue’s private security staff gather at the main entrance.

I’ve got my press pass ready, and my red hair is hidden underneath a pale blonde wig. I’m wearing a simple beige pantsuit with a delicate white silk shirt and nude pumps. My makeup is minimal. I’m not supposed to stand out, so I wear a pair of neutral-lens glasses with thick black rims, anything to mask as many of my features as possible.

My phone buzzes with a text from Sky.

We’re ready.

I’ll be there soon, I promise. I message him back.

My heart flutters with excitement and dread. I wanted to be here tonight. I owe it to myself and my mother. No matter how it ends, I want to be at peace. It’s the first day of the rest of my life, and I intend to live it fully and righteously. Therefore, I have to do this.

I make my way through the crowd, politely excusing myself until I reach the base of the theater’s front steps. There are massive banners of my father’s smiling face hanging from the building’s façade. It’s the warm, confident smile of a man who expects an entire state to trust him, to vote for him, and to get him that highly coveted senate seat.

On the banners, his name is written in bold letters, the font carefully chosen to inspire confidence, clarity, honesty, and transparency. The latter two traits are actually a part of his slogan, and it makes me laugh. What a joke.

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