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“Oh,” I reply, feeling my shoulders drop.

“But they’re gonna send her away,” he says. “They always send her away.”

“Why? I thought they had something going.”

Travis shrugs. “At one point. But it’s been over for a while,” he pauses and frowns, trying to remember something.

“I wonder why.”

“It’s got something to do with your dad, I’m sure. They’re probably trying to seem more respectable,” Travis chuckles dryly. “Men in their forties are still fooling around like that, I guess it’s not a reputable look. They’re probably trying to make a good impression or whatever.”

It doesn’t make much sense, though I wouldn’t dismiss the theory altogether. I’ve seen how fondly they speak of my dad, of the olden days. Even though it’s been two decades since my father left, Paddy is particularly respectful and protective of me, and the club’s leadership seems to have emulated that behavior perfectly.

Tonight’s tense moment with Kyle only serves to amplify that belief. I’m off-limits because of my dad.

“There she goes,” Travis says. We both watch as Carla hastily slithers up the stairs, her six-inch stilettos clicking nervously with each rushed step.

“Told ya.”

Minutes pass in heavy tension as I try to keep myself busy, but I don’t like the idea of her being up there, trying to get into their pants again.

Finally, my filthy curiosity gets the better of me, and I excuse myself, telling Travis that I need to hit the ladies’ room.

As soon as I reach the top floor, I sense a change in the atmosphere. My heart’s racing as I cautiously approach the second door to my left, their private office. I can hear all three of their voices inside, but I also hear Carla giggling. I can’t make out what’s being said, but the guys don’t sound too pleased.

“Shit,” I hiss as another door opens ahead on the right side of this narrow, dimly lit corridor.

Carla stumbles backward, damn near knocking me over. “I’m so sorry,” I blurt out, reaching out to help her, but she instantly pushes me away.

“Get the fuck off me!” she snarls.

Kai is about to step out of the office, but Orion stops him. Behind them, Drake is also curiously watching the entire scene unfold in its awkwardness. I’m like a deer caught in the headlights, trying to figure out where I am and what I’m supposed to be doing.

“What are you doing up here?” Orion asks.

“Sorry, I got lost,” is all I can say before I bolt back downstairs, my heart thudding like crazy. I hesitate at the bottom of the stairs.

You know damn well that they can smell the bull-shit, I scold myself.



I turn the lights off at closing time and lock the doors. Whoever is left upstairs can use the emergency exit on the other side of the venue if they need to leave. Otherwise, the morning shift will greet them tomorrow. I haven’t seen Orion, Kai, or Drake walk out, so I assume they’re still up there. Paddy, too.

My mind is still crowded with the image of Kai and Orion standing in the doorway of their office, with Drake smiling inside, scratching his sandy stubble, of Orion getting between me and Kyle, and how it felt to be so close to him—I wanted to inhale him in one deep breath.

I shudder as I reach my car, looking through my purse and hoping I didn’t leave my keys back inside. Suddenly, someone grabs me by the shoulder and brusquely turns me around.

“What the—” I manage, then freeze when I realize it’s Kyle. He immediately starts to try and grope me.

Nausea quickly unfurls in the back of my throat as he locks his arms around my waist and tries to forcibly kiss me. “I ain’t leaving until I get a piece of this pie,” he growls while I desperately wriggle in his hold.

“Let me go!” I cry out, kicking and struggling, but he’s way stronger than he appears.

“Come on, honey, I saw you in there!”

“Are you insane?” I snap. “They’re gonna kill you!”

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