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“That’s not true,” I say. “They’re going to go down in flames.”

She gives me a dry smirk. “No, they won’t. Because they know what buttons to push. Nothing they do is random, Nadia. Absolutely nothing. That shooting had a specific purpose. They got what they wanted, even if it cost them twelve men.”

“How do you know?” I ask her and stop walking, not wanting to take another step until she starts making sense. “I’m in no mood for riddles, Carla. What’s going on?”

“Nadia, I wish you weren’t so easy to fool,” she sighs and takes a step back.

“Carla …”

It’s too late when I see them coming. Kyle Jennings and a couple of bikers with black and red badges sewn on their leather jackets. I freeze, realizing what is about to happen. I want to scream, but I’m too far from the beach house. The guys won’t hear me. This entire beach is empty. Dread tightens its grip around my throat.

“Carla, you treacherous bitch,” I manage with a trembling voice.

“You should’ve stayed away from Orion, like I warned you,” she calmly replies.

Kyle points a gun at me. “Don’t move an inch, sweetheart,” he says, a slimy grin slitting his face from ear to ear. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

“You joined the Devils,” I mutter as I get a better look at the black and red patch on his vest.

His companions are just as skinny and disheveled, yet Colton seems to think he has found good use for them. Of course, they’d be less menacing without their guns. My fight-or-flight instinct is scrambled as I try to think of the best and safest way forward. I can’t risk getting shot, so all I can do is comply with their demands for the moment.

Putting two and two together as Kyle comes closer, I give Carla a sour look. “You betrayed them because they didn’t want to be with you, you turned around and sold them out to Colton Harrow. You pathetic creature.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get my men back. Granted, I only want Orion, but I’m willing to take the package deal if I have to,” Carla replies. “I can’t do that with you standing in my way, though.”

“It’s too late, Carla. They already know the kind of woman you are. It’s why they kicked you out of the clubhouse.”

“True, but they’ll be grieving your passing by the time I go back there, and they will need me to comfort them. I made a good deal with Colton. He’ll get the club, but he’ll spare them. He’ll keep them alive for me,” she says.

I narrow my eyes, trying not to laugh. “That’s some level of delusion you’ve got going on.”

“Honey, it doesn’t matter what you think. I always get what I want. And today, I’m getting you out of my way,” she says, then gives Kyle a nod. “Send Colton my regards.”

“I will,” Kyle replies and takes another step forward.

“Do not touch me, you piece of—” My words are cut off as he smacks me across the face with the butt of his gun.

The pain surges through my head, burning through my cheek and jaw as I cry out and lose my balance. He catches me, and I struggle in his hold until I feel the cold muzzle of that gun pressed into my temple. “I told you not to move, bitch. You’re mine now,” he hisses.

I catch a glimpse of concern in Carla’s eyes, but it’s fleeting and quickly replaced by a satisfied grin as she watches them take me away.

“You’ll pay for this,” I tell her.

“Let Colton know I’ll be there as soon as I’m done,” she says to Kyle, completely ignoring me.

She got what she wanted, after all. She doesn’t have to be nice to me anymore. She doesn’t have to pretend. The problem is that Carla might actually believe that this will work out in her favor. Seeing how Colton treats people, I highly doubt it. He has no intention of keeping Orion, Drake, or Kai alive. The first chance he gets, he will go straight for the kill, and Carla will be left with their blood on her hands. That is if Colton leaves her alive.

Right now, though, Carla is the least of my concerns.



I feel the sun on my face.

We forgot to black out the bedroom, but then again, we practically passed out earlier this morning from all the lovemaking. My body feels deliciously sore, every muscle tingling with delight as I stretch my legs out, my eyes slowly peeling open. Having Nadia for the whole night really took it out of me, but I don’t regret a single second. That woman was literally designed for us.

I expect to see her when I turn my head, but I only find Orion and Drake gradually coming to their senses. Nadia is nowhere to be seen, but noises downstairs tell me she’s probably in the kitchen, making herself a cup of coffee. I check my watch. It’s almost noon. Quick is going to be pissed when she walks through the door later.

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