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“This relationship won’t work unless you’re honest with us,” Orion tells me.

“Relationship?” I manage.

He closes the distance between us, and I am helpless before him. He leans in, ever so slowly, while I lean against my car. “Honesty is key, Nadia. I need the truth. Are you going to tell me the truth from now on?” he asks, the air between us thickening.

“Okay … yeah …”

Kai and Drake also inch closer, still keeping a few feet of space between us, while their eyes scan me from head to toe in a way that makes my knees feel weak.

“Are you okay?” Kai asks.

“I am now,” I reply. “Thank you.”

“You have nothing to thank me for,” Orion says. “Now, what were you doing upstairs?”

I have an urge to bite my lower lip to stop the truth from coming out. Orion seems to be able to read my mind, because his eyes move to my lips while his part ever so slowly. Even in this weak moonlight, I can see the subtle fade of his short, black beard and the few gray strands growing over his chin.

He’s in his mid-forties, the epitome of strength and vigor. His presence is doing things to me, things I only ever dreamed about. Heat gathers in my core, my panties already slick as I decide to tell the truth.

“I was curious,” I hear myself say.

“About what?” he asks. Drake and Kai inch closer. Never have I felt so vulnerable yet so safe in my life. I didn’t think such a conflicting sensation existed until I met these three.

“About you and Carla. I heard the rumors,” I say.

“Oh, you heard the rumors,” Orion repeats after me.

It prompts a chuckle out of Drake. “People talk, Orry.”

“And you were curious,” Orion parrots again, looking so deep into my eyes that I can feel my breath leaving my body altogether. “You were curious as to how the three of us might share a single woman?”

“I’ve seen my share of porn,” I grumble. “I know it’s not impossible.”

“Ah, daddy’s little angel likes porn,” Kai notes, arms crossed over his bulky chest, but it’s that bulge in his pants that briefly catches my eye. Those jeans seem tight all of a sudden. Good grief, this conversation is turning them on. Hell, it’s turning me on. “Guess you’re not that innocent, huh?”

“I never claimed to be innocent,” I shoot back, strangely emboldened by his jab.

Orion raises an eyebrow and takes a single step forward, his body pressed against mine. “Maybe not. Yet we both know you are,” he says. “It’s written all over your face.”

“For men your age, I thought you were better at reading women.”

Am I insane? Where is this coming from? It’s gonna come back to bite me in the ass; I can feel it.

I can also feel Orion’s throbbing erection in my lower belly.

“And what were you so curious about, Nadia?” Orion asks, half-smiling. “The logistics behind the three of us fucking one woman? Or what it might feel like if it were the three of us fucking you?”

The latter. Definitely the latter.

But I can’t bring myself to say it out loud. I know he can see it in my eyes, though. I’m so obvious.

Orion lowers his head and whispers in my ear.

“If your father knew what you were thinking right now, he’d lock you in a tower and throw away the key.”

“But he’s not here, is he?” I whisper back.

He exhales sharply and rests a hand on my hip. “You’re playing with fire, Nadia. We’re not the kind of people you wanna mess with.”

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