Page 71 of Dublin Rogue

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“We look good like this.”

Tag meets my gaze in the mirror and grins. “Freshly fucked, you mean?”

I chuckle. “Well, that, but also hot and sexy and happy.”

He finishes toweling my hair and wraps his arms around me, the two of us lost in the image before us. “We more than look hot and sexy, luv. I knew I’d get addicted to you the moment I had you, but what’s happening between us is next level. And as for happy…well, I don’t know if that word even begins to cover what I feel.”

I lay my arms over where he’s holding me. “I don’t want this to end.”

“There’s no chance of that. You are mine, Laine. Mine to desire. Mine to protect. And mine to take care of for as long as the universe sees fit to bless me with the honor of having you. There is no end. This is just the beginning.”



I’m sitting behind my father’s desk, the sturdy wood surface familiar and solid beneath my fingers. The late afternoon light slants through the blinds, casting long shadows across the hardwood floor.

I wonder how often Da sat in here, wishing he was somewhere else.

I’ve found myself wondering that more and more often over the past three days.

I know exactly where I’d be, given the choice: naked with Laine, making her cry out my name as I coax out the wickedness that she hides so well.

Laine is a true wildcat.

The leather of my desk chair creaks as I lean back and reminisce about our morning triste. She was so trusting and willing, her body so responsive to my demands.

It’s like she was made for me.

And since Laine confided her truths, the two of us have grown closer day by day and night by night.

With the blessings of my brothers, I moved into my father’s suite and the heartache of that transition was tempered with the passions of having my wildcat joining me.

It’s time for the next generation to grab the reins and I’ll do my best to make Da proud.

“What’s that look?” Sean pegs me with a scowl from across the room.

I blink out of my daydream and meet my brother’s scowl. “What look?”

He closes the door behind him and takes a seat opposite me. “It was either you lost in a lovestruck moment, or your bowels are turning on you. Hard to tell which.”

I flash him my middle finger. “Says the man known across the Emerald Isle for his sunshiny disposition.”

He shrugs and leans back in his seat. “You and Finn can be the charmers. There’s something to be said for the broody, bad boys ready to throw elbows.”

“Aye, well, you, Brendan, and Bryan have that category nailed down, then.”

“Are they ready for Saturday night? They aren’t going to embarrass us or anything, are they?” He laughs as he asks the question, but we both know that helping street kids while pommeling the shit out of someone is pretty much Bryan’s and Brendan’s dream opportunity.

“I’m sure they’ll do us proud.”

“So, you’re planning on going?”

“Of course. I’ve never missed the event yet, and with the McGuires causing trouble, it’ll be more important than ever to make our appearances.”

“Will you be there stag or have a brunette American on your arm?”

I sit back and consider that. “I’m not sure. I’d love for Laine to be there on my arm but I’m not sure she’d enjoy the brutality of it, or that it’s a good idea to show her off so publicly, given the current climate of things.”

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