Page 65 of Dublin Rogue

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We didn’t get to go shopping, but Finn helped me pick out a new computer and phone online and he had them couriered to the Quinn compound within a few hours. Then, I sat with him in the study as he installed all the drivers and things needed for me to be up and running.

“I really appreciate all your time and effort the past couple of days, Finn. I’m sorry I’ve taken over your life.”

Finn winks. “Think nothing of it. You’ve given us back our brother and that’s worth more than you know.”

I’m not sure I did that, but I’m happy Tag is reconnecting with his family and his home again after such a long time feeling estranged from his life.

“And once we’re done here, will I be able to go onto the internet?”

Finn shrugs. “Tag hasn’t said otherwise, so I assume so, but I’ll check with him to be sure neither one of us ends up in trouble.”

Yeah. After this morning, I don’t want to get on Tag’s bad side, but I really need to find out what’s happening back in Chicago.

But will me searching things raise red flags back home? If I use an Incognito window, will that keep me safe? I don’t know enough about these things.

“Finn? You handle the computer-y stuff for your brother, don’t you?”

Finn lifts his gaze from reading the installation instructions on the screen and nods. “Aye, for most things. Why do you ask?”

“Because I have a question…but I’m not sure I can ask it without saying too much or getting myself into trouble.”

Finn straightens. “Well, I can’t help you there, but if you ask your question, I can do my best to answer it without reading too much into it. Go ahead and give me a try.”

I consider how best to pose my question and then go for it. “You know that I left my life in a hurry, right?”

“Aye, you mentioned it when Aiden went at you yesterday morning.”

“So, my husband and his father were involved in some shady dealings and when the walls came crashing in, I ran. Now, I’m not sure if they’re dead or alive or if someone might be looking for me, but I don’t want to search for answers and draw attention back to me here. Does that make sense?”

Finn dips his chin. “And do you think these shady characters might come after you here?”

“If they think I’m still alive, maybe.”

His gaze widens. “They think your dead?”

“I think so. The man who helped me escape told me to consider myself dead and told me I was never to return or to draw attention to myself.”

Finn leans back in his seat and runs his hands through his hair. “Shit, Laine. There’s a lot to unpack in that.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”

Finn waves away my concerns. “Given that it’s a dangerous situation and your actions could mean life or death, you did the right thing in asking. It’s just, this is a conversation Tag should be involved in.”

Footsteps approaching the room have both of us looking up as Tag appears in the doorway. “Did I hear my name?”

“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” I tease.

Tag waggles his ebony brows. “Technically, I’m known as the Dublin Rogue. Sean is the Dublin Devil. But still, I’m happy to be acknowledged.”

He saunters in, takes in what Finn is working on, and then bends to kiss me. “How was your day, luv?”

“Actually, that’s what we were talking about when you came in,” I say.

“Shall I give you some privacy then?” Finn asks.

“No, no. That’s not necessary. Please stay.”

Finn abandons his exit and goes back to tinkering with the new computer.

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