Page 29 of From Boss to Boo

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"This is a massive opportunity for the company, for your legacy," she states carefully. "If William believes your personal involvement is crucial, then that's where you need to be."

I blink owlishly, thrown by her lack of protest or complaint. Surely she must feel the same gut-punch of disappointment that I do at the thought of being separated?

"I don't want you to feel like I'm abandoning you, our relationship," I insist hoarsely. "You mean everything to me. This is the last thing I want."

She actually laughs, a crystalline peel of amusement amid the swirling tension. Crossing the room in two strides, she takes my face in her soft palms and peers up at me with a look of pure adoration.

"Grayson Winthrop, you beautiful fool. Did you really think I'd resent you following your calling, seizing an opportunity to continue building your life's work?"

"This is who you are," she murmurs fiercely. "The driven, unrelenting visionary I fell in love with. I'll never stand in the way of your ambition, my love. In fact..." She hesitates before admitting, "I find it terribly sexy, sir"

Relief washes over me in crashing waves. Of course she understands, this incredible woman who has time and again proven herself my equal, my partner in every sense of the word.

I crush her lithe form against my chest, savoring the feminine curves and intoxicating floral scent that have become my oasis. "Have I told you lately how amazing you are?" I rumble into the crown of her hair. "How you were destined to be more than just the woman by my side, but the woman advancing that side itself?"

Amara pulls back just enough to grin impishly up at me. "You could remind me more often if you'd like."

My laughter booms through the room, pure and unfettered. "Deal," I murmur, capturing her lips in a blisteringly ardent kiss. "And speaking of deals..."

Trailing off, I guide Amara to the plush leather sofa, pulling her down into my lap as I set to outline the full scope of the challenges awaiting me in Tokyo. She’s too perfect, in a tight white blouse that shelves the perfect resting place for my head.

Her brow furrows with concentration as I elucidate on the delicate intricacies of the Fujiwara situation. Before long, suggestions and observations are flowing easily between us in a give-and-take of professionalism and intimacy.

This woman, my partner in every sense of the word...she will be the key to maintaining my sanity and equilibrium during the ordeal ahead. Our connection, so newly established, will be strained and tested in ways I can scarcely fathom right now.

But whatever obstacles await, we will overcome them in tandem, partners forging an unstoppable future together.

Over the next few days, Amara and I work tirelessly to prepare for my impending departure. With each meeting and briefing, I find myself leaning more heavily on her insights and strategic mind.

"While I'm abroad, you'll need to take point on the Henderson merger," I instruct, sliding a thick file across my desk towards her. "Caroline in acquisitions will be your primary contact, but I want you to oversee every step."

Amara's expression is a mask of intense focus as she flips through the documents. "Understood. Though I have a few thoughts on streamlining the integration process if you'd like to hear them now."

I gesture for her to proceed, quietly marveling at her eye for efficiency. As she lays out her proposals, I find myself nodding along, impressed by her ability to identify potential snags before they even arise.

"Excellent points, all of them," I praise when she's finished. "Make it so, but run any major adjustments by me before implementing them, just in case."

She fixes me with a wry look. "Does that apply to when you're 14 hours ahead on the other side of the planet, or..."

Chuckling, I shake my head at her cheek. "Fine, you have the discretion to make judgment calls as needed. I'm entrusting a great deal to you in my absence, Amara. No sense in tying your hands unnecessarily."

A look of solemn pride registers in her soulful eyes. "Thank you for the faith, Grayson. I'll ensure Winthrop Industries doesn't miss a beat while you're playing gunslinger in Tokyo."

"I love you so much right now."

The night before my scheduled departure, Amara and I forego work in favor of a quiet, intimate dinner together. My housekeeper has outdone herself, preparing a decadent feast that seems to stretch on for hours.

Finally pushing away from the table with a contented sigh, I regard my beautiful partner over the dimly lit expanse. "You know, if anyone had told me six months ago I'd be madly in love and counting down the hours until I fly to the other side of the world..."

"You'd have had them committed?" Amara supplies impishly, refilling my glass with a sultry Cabernet.

Laughing, I shake my head and capture her hand, pressing a reverent kiss against her knuckles. "Something like that. But now, the idea of being separated from you is...difficult. Even more than leaving the office, my company is in your hands when I’m gone."

She sobers under the weight of my gaze, her own eyes shimmering with the same unnameable longing that's been steadily blooming within me since our first fevered exchange.

"I don't want you to go," Amara confesses in a small voice. "Selfish as that may be. Every molecule in my body cries out at the thought of you being on the other side of the earth. But it’s going to be fine. We planned for this."

Drawing her into my embrace, I tuck a stray curl behind her ear and drop a tender kiss against her deliciously soft skin. "My darling, we are two particles of energy in a cosmic dance, remember? No force in this universe could keep us apart for long."

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