Page 11 of From Boss to Boo

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I feel a swell of pride at his words, but before I can respond, I feel a presence at my side. I turn to find Grayson standing there, a strange expression on his face.

"Amara," he says, his voice tight. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"

I excuse myself from Ethan, feeling a flicker of confusion at Grayson's tone. As we step away from the crowd, he turns to me, his eyes intense.

"I saw you talking to that guy," he says, his voice low. "Just be careful, Amara. Not everyone here has pure intentions. Some are just out looking for another notch in their belt."

I feel a spark of annoyance at his words, bristling at the implication that I can't take care of myself. "I appreciate your concern, Mr. Winthrop, but I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. Ethan was just being friendly."

Grayson's jaw clenches, and for a moment, I swear I see a flicker of jealousy in his eyes. But it's gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual cool professionalism. "Of course, Amara. I didn't mean to overstep. I just want to make sure you're being cautious."

I soften, touched by his concern despite my irritation. "I understand, Mr. Winthrop. And I appreciate you looking out for me. But you don't need to worry. I've got this."

As we rejoin the conference, I can't shake the feeling of Grayson's eyes on me, watching my every move. It's both thrilling and unnerving, knowing that he's paying such close attention to me. But I push those thoughts aside, focusing on the incredible opportunities in front of me. This is my chance to learn, to grow, to make my mark on the industry. Not get with my gorgeous, successful and rich boss.

As the conference continues, I find myself navigating the social events with growing confidence. The networking lunches and cocktail hours are a whirlwind of conversation and connection, and I throw myself into the fray with enthusiasm.

During one particularly lively reception, I find myself engaged in a fascinating discussion with a group of marketing executives. We're debating the merits of various social media strategies when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn to find Ethan, the charming businessman from the workshop, standing behind me with a warm smile.

"Amara, fancy seeing you here," he says, his eyes twinkling. "I was hoping I'd run into you again."

I feel a flutter of excitement at his words, flattered by his obvious interest. "Ethan, hi! It's great to see you too."

We fall into easy conversation, discussing the highlights of the conference so far. Ethan is engaging and attentive, hanging on my every word and offering insightful comments of his own.

As we chat, I can't help but notice Grayson across the room, engaged in conversation with a group of industry leaders. He looks completely in his element, commanding the room with his usual charisma and authority.

But every so often, I catch him glancing in my direction, his eyes flickering between Ethan and me with an unreadable expression.

At first, I brush it off as my imagination. But as the evening wears on, I start to sense a distinct undercurrent of tension emanating from Grayson. His jaw is clenched, his posture stiff, and I swear I see a flash of jealousy in his eyes when Ethan leans in close to whisper something in my ear.

I'm both thrilled and confused by Grayson's reaction. On one hand, the idea that he might be jealous of Ethan's attention is exhilarating, a tantalizing hint of the depth of his feelings for me.

But on the other hand, I know that any romantic entanglement with my boss would be a dangerous and complicated prospect.

Especially with my past.

I just can’t risk it.

As the reception winds down, I find myself alone with Grayson in a quiet corner of the room. The tension between us is palpable, crackling like electricity in the air.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself tonight," he says, his voice carefully neutral. "Ethan certainly seemed taken with you."

I feel warmth flood my cheeks, but I meet his gaze steadily. "He's a nice guy, Mr. Winthrop. But you know my focus is on the conference, on learning and growing as much as I can."

Grayson nods, but I can see a flicker of some unreadable emotion in his eyes. "Of course, Amara. I know how dedicated you are to your work."

There's a beat of silence, heavy with unspoken words. Then Grayson clears his throat, his expression softening. "You know, Amara, watching you navigate this conference has been quite the treat. You've impressed everyone here with your intelligence, your poise, your professionalism. Myself included."

I feel a swell of pride at his words, a warmth spreading through my chest. "Thank you, sir. That means a lot coming from you."

He takes a step closer, his gaze intense. "I mean it, Amara. You're a rising star in this industry. And I feel lucky to have you by my side, both as my assistant and as my..."

He trails off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air between us. For a moment, I'm breathless with anticipation, wondering if he's about to cross the line we've been so carefully toeing.

But then he shakes his head, breaking the spell. "As my valued colleague," he finishes, his voice firm. "I appreciate all that you do, Amara. And I know that you have a bright future ahead of you."

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