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Osric reached out, and placed a hand over hers. Her skin was cool to the touch, and he felt a jolt of warmth, of protectiveness. He may not have known her for long, but he knew that she was a fighter, that she would not back down from a challenge.

“You don’t have to face this alone,” he said. “We’ll figure something out. Together.”

She turned to him, and in the dim light of the shop, her eyes were shining. “Together,” she echoed.

She set down her glass, and before he knew what was happening, she had wrapped her arms around his neck. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his, and all the air rushed out of his lungs. He could taste the salt of her tears, and he wanted to drink them down, to swallow her pain.

He ought to stop her, tell her that this was a terrible idea. But the pull between them was too strong, the undercurrent of longing that had been building between them too powerful to resist. He deepened the kiss, and she melted against him, her body fitting perfectly against his.

They stumbled towards the back of the shop, leaving the mess and the broken shards of the door lock behind them. Hali’s hands were fumbling with the laces of his tunic, and he reached for the hem of her blouse, tugging it free from her trousers. He wanted to feel her skin against his, to banish the darkness and the doubt that threatened to consume him.

She pushed the tunic from his shoulders, and it joined the pile on the floor. Her hands traced the lines of his rune tattoos, sending sparks dancing along his skin. He groaned into her mouth, and lifted her up, settling her on the worktable.

They broke the kiss, and Osric’s breath was coming in ragged gasps. He looked down at Hali, at the flush on her cheeks, the fire in her eyes, and for a brief, beautiful moment, all thoughts of the Obsidian Circle, of the mission, of the path that lay ahead, were banished from his mind.

He was here, with her, in this moment, and he was going to hold on to it for as long as he could.

Osric took his time undressing Hali, savoring every moment as he peeled away the layers that separated them. His fingers trembled slightly as his hands fumbled with the ties of her trousers, and he marveled at the way her hips swayed as she stepped out of them. Her undergarments were next, and he caught his breath at the sight of her naked body, pale and perfect in the flickering candlelight.

Hali, for her part, was far from shy. She reached for the fastenings of his trousers, her fingers deft and sure. Osric shivered as the cool air hit his heated skin, and he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness. He wasn’t used to being the one on display, and he shifted uncomfortably as Hali’s eyes raked over him.

But instead of the revulsion or disgust he had feared, there was only desire in her eyes, and a hint of mischief. “Well, look what we have here,” she purred. “A cute little cock for me to play with.”

Osric felt his cheeks flush, but it was a different kind of heat this time, one that pooled low in his belly. Hali’s words were like a balm to his soul, and he marveled anew at how well she seemed to understand him.

She sank to her knees in front of him, and he gasped as her warm mouth engulfed him, her tongue swirling around his sensitive clit. He threw his head back, eyes squeezing shut in pleasure, as she continued her ministrations, her hands roaming

As Hali’s warm, wet mouth engulfed him, Osric’s senses reeled with pleasure. Her tongue danated around his length, teasing and tormenting every sensitive inch. His hips bucked involuntarily as she took him deeper, her lips sealing around him, and he bit his lip to stifle a moan. He didn’t want to rush this, didn’t want this moment to end.

Hali’s hands roamed his body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Her nails raked lightly down his chest, and then she was teasing apart his folds, prodding at his entrance. Osric’s toes curled in ecstasy, and he gripped the edge of the worktable for support.

“Hali,” he panted, his voice a hoarse whisper. “Hali, you’re driving me crazy.”

She looked up at him, her eyes dark with desire, and he knew she was enjoying this just as much as he was. Slowly, she withdrew her mouth, her lips shiny with his arousal, and Osric thought he might combust on the spot.

“Good. I want you to feel every single second of this.”

Before he could respond, her mouth was on him again, her tongue curling and flicking around his node, and this time, she added her fingers to the mix. Her finger thrust into his cunt, first one, then two, and he gasped, his hips bucking involuntarily.

Hali chuckled, the vibrations sending shivers coursing through him. “I take it you like that?”

Osric’s world narrowed to the sensations coursing through his body. Hali’s rough tongue on his little cock, her talented tongue swirling around him, her fingers plunging into his cunt. He was teetering on the edge of ecstasy, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

“Hali,” he gasped. “I’m... I’m going to...”

She responded by sucking him harder, her fingers curling inside him, and that was all it took. Osric’s climax crashed over him like a tidal wave, his walls convulsing around Hali’s fingers as she sucked his clit. He cried out, his hips bucking uncontrollably, and his seed spilled onto Hali’s waiting tongue.

As the intensity of his orgasm began to subside, Osric collapsed against the worktable, his chest heaving. Hali stood, her lips swollen and glistening, and she leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his lips.

In the aftermath, they lay entwined on the floor, the shop’s wreckage forgotten. Hali traced the lines of Osric’s rune tattoos with a tenderness that threatened to shatter his carefully crafted control. She had been right all along, to suspect him, to fear the danger that his quest for the artifacts had brought to her door. And yet here she was, in his arms, her fears and suspicions melting away.

“You deserve better than this,” he said hoarsely.

Hali propped herself up on one elbow, and looked down at him, her eyes soft. “I deserve a lot of things. But right now, I just want the truth. About the Obsidian Circle, about the coded messages, about everything.”

She reached up, and brushed a lock of hair from his face. “I need to know what I’m up against. And I need to know that you’re with me, and not against me.”

Osric’s heart clenched in his chest. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to unburden himself of the terrible truth. But he knew that he couldn’t. Not when it would put her in even greater danger, when it would only drive her away.

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