Page 80 of When He Was Mine

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"What surprise?"

Another surprise. He was making me insane with surprise.

"We’re heading to Fox Island on Monday for a few days."

"We’re staying there?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"For a day or two. I want to see the progress and check on Jonah. He’s been behaving himself."

"I hope so. He’s caused enough headaches."

"There was a delay with some of the materials, so the schedule is a little off," he admitted, slipping out of his red sweatpants.

"Off enough to make us go somewhere else for our honeymoon?"

I hoped not. I’d been anticipating a stay on our own island without the interference of cameras in our face and prying eyes. I wanted to be just us to explore not only the island but each other.

"No. The schedule was set for the beginning of June, so a few days here and there won’t disrupt our honeymoon."

"Where are we staying?" I asked.

"More than likely St. Croix, unless you want to bunk with the construction crews."

Oliver continued stripping, leaving him in a pair of boxers which he shoved down his hips. My eyes traveled over his body, distracting me from our discussion for just a moment.

"I thought you were housing me in a grass hut on the beach," I teased, eyeing his now naked form.

"Would you like that?"

"I don’t mind roughing it. Could you stand it?"

"I can stand anything you can," he said confidently.

I watched him for a few moments longer, appreciating his form and knowing it wouldn't take much for him to become aroused. "Can I shower with you?"

"We have time," he said, a glint in his eye.

"We have three hours to shower. I doubt we’ll be in there that long."

"I misunderstood," he said with a smirk.

"Oh, you mean you thought I meant sex?" I grinned.

"Didn’t you?"

"No. Stop putting words in my mouth and head."

Oliver scooped up his clothing, dropping it into the hamper in the closet before padding naked into the bathroom. As soon as I heard the shower turn on, I got up and stripped. I slipped in behind him, hugging his body and pressing my face against his back as rivulets of soap rolled down him.

"I thought we weren’t having sex?" he said, his voice a low rumble.

"Can't I hug you?" I replied, feeling the heat of his skin against mine.

"I’d rather do something else. All I could think of was you as I worked out," he confessed, turning to face me, his eyes dark with desire.

"Then take me," I whispered, meeting his gaze.

With a low growl, Oliver pulled me close, our bodies melding together under the hot spray. The water cascaded over us, washing away the world outside as we lost ourselves in each other.

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