Page 29 of When He Was Mine

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“What kind of trouble are you in and why were you fighting with Oliver?”

He ducked his head. “You’ll have to ask him. I don’t think he wants you involved.”

Somehow, I felt that I was involved and that’s what the fight was about. Oliver rarely raised his voice except where I was concerned. He was highly protective of me, and I doubted that would change in the future. I moved the ice bag on my wrist and winced.

“I’m sorry,” Jonah said as he rubbed the back of his neck. It had taken me until now to notice the clothing he was wearing, a pair of dirty blue jeans and torn faded gray t-shirt which made him look like he was living on the street. I wondered if he really was. Oliver came back a few minutes later.

“Vlad will be here in a little while to take you to the airport.”

Jonah pursed his lips. “Huh? I’m leaving right now?”

“Yes. I’m not letting you get into any more trouble. Get your life together, Jonah. You’ll be thirty-four soon. Time to grow up.”

“What about my stuff?”

Oliver looked his brother up and down. “You can buy new clothes. It doesn’t look like you’re dressing too swanky these days.”

Jonah shrugged. “Yeah, well when you live in a fucking fleabag hotel. If you helped me before, I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re done with your old life or I leave you on the side of the road. Promise me Jonah.”

“What about my problem?” He asked.

I sawed my teeth over my bottom lip. I think his problem was a problem that I was involved in but Oliver wouldn’t say. I hated when he kept me in the dark.

“It’s being handled.”

“And the other problem?”

“It’s not your concern. You disappear and the other problem goes away.”

Jonah frowned, which told me the second problem wasn’t going away with his disappearance. Oliver turned his attention to me.

“How is your wrist?”

“It hurts, but the ice makes it feel better.”

“I’m sorry you got hurt.”

“You have some making up to do.”

He nodded. “I know.”

Oliver’s phone chirped and he glanced at the message. “Vlad is here. Time to go, dear brother. Let this be a new start for you. Ryleigh, I’ll be right back.”

Jonah looked over his shoulder as he walked away. “Goodbye, Ryleigh. I wish this meeting was under better circumstances.”

“Maybe you can join us for our wedding,” I called.

“That would be nice.”

“We’ll see,” Oliver said tersely. “Let’s go.”

Oliver led Jonah out of the penthouse. I took the ice bag off my wrist and moved it around. It felt better but it was slightly black and blue. I hoped I didn’t break a bone. Oliver came back a few minutes later.

“Everything go all right?” I asked.

“As good as can be expected.”

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