Page 146 of When He Was Mine

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“Come here, boy,” I whispered.

Trouble cautiously approached, stopping just out of my reach.

“I’m sorry I scared you.”

As if understanding, he finally joined me on the bed, where I gently petted his ears. He settled beside me, and I turned off the light, staring into the darkness. The face of the man who had killed my father haunted my dreams now, a chilling reminder that he was out there, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

I resolved to remain vigilant and rely on the security Oliver had in place to protect me. That was their job, after all. I wondered if Oliver knew this man. Months ago, when we watched the enhanced video Tyler had shown us, Oliver’s reaction was subtle but palpable; his face had drained of color. I was afraid to ask, but maybe I should.

I stayed awake, periodically soothing Trouble, who grumbled softly but settled beside me. With the dawn creeping through the curtains, I finally slipped out of bed and took a long, hot shower in an attempt to shake off the unease and slight headache that lingered. Brenda was already up, seated on the couch with a magazine when I entered the kitchen.

“Good morning,” I called out as Brenda sat on the couch.

“How are you?” she asked, looking up from her magazine.

“I’m okay. Thank you for this morning,” I replied sincerely.

“You’re welcome.”

“Would you like some coffee?” I offered, moving toward the coffee maker.

“That won’t be necessary, Miss Stewart,” Brenda replied politely.

I paused, my hand hovering over the coffee maker, and turned to face her. “Brenda, you don’t need to call me Miss Stewart. Just Ryleigh is fine.”

“That wouldn’t be appropriate,” Brenda insisted gently.

“Then why don’t you call me Ryleigh when Oliver isn’t around?” I pressed, hoping for a different response.

“It still wouldn’t be appropriate,” Brenda reiterated firmly.

I sighed, resigning myself to the formality, and returned to preparing my coffee. I brewed a strong cup with several spoons of sugar, needing the extra boost this morning. It was early, barely 7:30 a.m., and I didn’t have to be in the office until nine. Trouble, sensing my movement, circled my legs, reminding me he needed to go out.

I led him to the patio where he promptly headed for the small patch of grass Oliver had installed for him. While he did his business, I prepared his kibble and set it out on the floor. He scratched at the door when he was done, eager to come back inside and devour his breakfast.

With Trouble settled, I took my coffee back to the bedroom and stepped into the closet to choose an outfit. The day looked promising, so I opted for a floral-patterned sleeveless dress that Oliver had always liked. I wished he were here to see it. Pairing it with white heeled sandals, I gathered my hair into a ponytail and prepared for the day ahead.

I was incredibly unproductive at the office for most of the morning. Mark came in to discuss some figures, but I found myself zoning out repeatedly, causing him to interrupt my thoughts several times.

“Let’s take a break,” I finally said, realizing my mind wasn’t in the right place.

“What’s wrong?” Mark asked, concern etched on his face.

“I’ve got a lot on my mind with everything going on. The wedding is coming up so quickly. Oh, and I meant to congratulate you—grandpa!” I grinned.

Mark cringed, a mix of surprise and humor crossing his features. “God, I can’t believe it. I’m only forty-six. I never expected Sadie to have a child this soon.”

“She always talked about wanting to be a mom,” I said, shaking my head with a chuckle. “Little did I know she’d end up being my sister-in-law.”

Mark shrugged. “They don’t seem to be in any rush to tie the knot.”

“Finley mentioned they might do something next year. It’s been a crazy year for both of them.”

“I guess so.” Mark paused, noticing my tired expression. “You seem like you’ve got a lot on your mind. Why don’t I come back later?”

“I’d appreciate that,” I replied gratefully.

Mark gathered his things into a folder and left. My head was too cluttered to focus on anything productive right now. When Brenda had escorted me into the building this morning, I couldn’t help scanning the area, half-expecting to see the man with the piercing black eyes waiting for me. The same unease crept over me as I walked to my office.

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