Page 136 of When He Was Mine

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“This is business, sweetheart. I wouldn’t leave you otherwise.”

“That makes it sound like I take a backseat to your business.”

“You don’t. You’re first and foremost. If you want me to sell everything, I will. We can live like nomads for the rest of our lives.”

“That makes no sense. It would be like cutting off your arm.”

“No, losing you would be like cutting off my arm and taking my heart out. I can live without my business; I can’t live without you.”

I put down my mug and stared at him, emotions swirling. “Why do you always say shit like that?”

“Because it’s true. You mean everything to me.”

“I understand. I miss you when you’re gone.”

“You can still come with me. The situation with the flooring is taken care of.”

“But I have other things to deal with.”

“Suit yourself. It was just a suggestion.”

“I need to get dressed,” I said, taking my latte and heading down the hall to the bedroom.

Standing in front of my closet, I debated what to wear. It was supposed to be warm today but also rain. The clouds were already starting to gather, turning the day gray. I chose a navy-blue skirt and a sleeveless blouse in light blue. I could always wear a light raincoat if I needed to. The walk from the limo to our office would only take half a minute.

Oliver came into the closet while I was looking for a matching bra and panty set.

“What are you planning to do while I’m gone?” he asked, curiosity and a hint of jealousy in his tone.

“Hang out with my girlfriends, go drinking, and maybe hit a dance club. Why?” I replied nonchalantly.

“You’re not serious, are you?” I asked, holding up a powder blue bra and panty set as I stood up.

Oliver's eyes twinkled mischievously. “Of course I’m not serious. When was the last time I went to a dance club?”

His smile turned wicked, and I could tell he was thinking about the time we had hot, frantic sex in his club, Show Me Yours. We had slipped into the hidden room while the music pounded around us.

“I know what you’re thinking,” I said, rolling my eyes but unable to suppress a grin.

“Maybe we should go back,” he suggested, a devilish glint in his eye.

“Why?” I asked, slipping into my bra.

“I like what we did there,” he said, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.

“We can do the same here. We don’t need a club to have hot sex,” I pointed out, slipping on my panties.

“But it was different and almost voyeuristic. Don’t you agree?” he asked, leaning back against the doorframe.

A shiver ran down my spine at the memory. “It wasn’t really voyeuristic until you told me that the wall behind the curtains was two-way glass.”

“Next time, I should open the curtains and fuck you while we look out onto the dance floor,” he teased.

I slipped into my skirt and blouse, trying to ignore the heat spreading through me at his words. “I wouldn’t feel comfortable.”

“Why? No one would see us,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I still wouldn’t feel right,” I said firmly.

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