Page 7 of Keep Healing

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“Have you seen any sign of that fucker, Evie?” Xander asked as he looked out into the forest.

“No. Nothing, Maybe…Maybe I k-killed him,” I whispered.

“We’ll wait for Nick and the cops. They can check the area for him. Let’s wait in the car and get you warm, while we do though, okay?” Kailan suggested.

“Is Zack alright?” I asked as he led me to the truck, the others all following behind us.

“He’s fine. He’s safe at home with Aleks and Harris,” he assured me. We were almost to the truck when I tripped over something- probably my own feet – and almost went down. Luckily, Kailan was faster, and he scooped me up and cradled me to his chest.

“Evie?” he gasped as he looked down to me with worry.

“Sorry. I’m j-ust cold…and r-really tired,” I told him weakly.

“Here,” Cole said as he shucked off the thick puffer coat he wore and wrapped it around me in Kailan’s arms.

Kailan moved to the truck and climbed into the back. Settling me on his lap and tucking Cole’s coat even tighter around me.

“Start the engine and crank the heat,” he told Matt, who climbed in the front and started the car. Xander got in the back next to us, while Cole sat up front. They all turned to look at me with concern.

“How did you hit your head?” Xander asked as he leaned over me and started poking the lump on my head.

“Ow!” I cried as I pushed him away. “He hit me….and yes, it fucking h-urts!” I growled.

“Sorry. Did you lose consciousness?” he asked. I shook my head, which was a bad idea with how hard my head was pounding. “We should get her to the closest ER to be safe.”

“No,” I croaked. “No hospital. I’m okay. I just want to go home.”

“We’ll get you home, little sis. But Xand’s right. You should get checked out properly. You’ve been through a lot,” Cole told me.

“Mom’s going to freak when she sees you. She’s missed you so much,” Matt added.

“I’ve missed h-her too. I’ve missed all of you, but I…” I looked to Kailan, feeling guilty about what I was about to say, but unable to deny myself the truth. “I…don’t m-ean home in Chicago. I mean here….w-with the guys. I…I’m not ready to go back to Chicago yet.”

“What? What are you talking about? Why don’t you want to come home?” Cole asked.

“I just f-feel safer here….I don’t know,” I buried my face into Kailan’s chest, not able to explain why I needed to stay with the guys. I just knew that was what I wanted. Of course I wanted to see my parents too, but I wasn’t ready to be away from the four men who made me feel safer than anyone or anything else could.

“How about we discuss this later, when Evie’s had some rest? She’s exhausted,” Kailan suggested. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

“You d-don’t want me to stay?” I asked, feeling hurt.

“Of course I do. That’s all I want right now, beautiful girl. I just meant we don’t need to discuss it right now,” he assured me. He leant forwards and placed a kiss on the end of my nose, making me smile just a little in relief.

“Is something going on with you two?” Matt asked, sounding pissed.

I turned to face him, grimacing at the pain that caused throughout my body.

“Easy, darlin’,” Kailan warned as he rubbed a hand up and down my back soothingly.

“Please don’t, Matt. Not now. I’m too tired,” I begged. I curled back up against Kailan and closed my eyes, not wanting to see just how pissed off my brothers were in that moment. I hadn’t wanted to upset any of them, but I’d had a hell of a night and every part of me hurt. All I wanted was to feel safe and warm, and no one could do that like Kailan could right then.



I barely took the time to shut off the engine of my car as I pulled up behind the rental truck that Evie’s brothers must have hired at the airport. I jumped out, ignoring whatever the cops behind me were saying, and stalked towards the truck.

I needed to see her. I needed to hold her and know that she was safe. I had been going fucking crazy all night, doing everything I could, calling in every favor I was owed to try and find her. My chief was pissed with me for not reporting everything and had threatened to fire my ass, but I didn’t give a shit. All that mattered was Evie. I had to find her and I had to do a fucking better job of keeping her safe. She had become everything to me in the time I had known her. I couldn’t lose her.

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