Page 63 of Keep Healing

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“All good, brother?” Aleks asked as I walked into the apartment. I had a quick look around and saw exactly what I expected, a luxurious bachelor pad. Asher had told me he and Eli had set the place up so they had somewhere to crash when they were in Chicago. At least there was plenty of room for us all and I was pretty sure Evie would have all she needed to be comfortable, which was the main thing. She had been through so much and now her fucking brother had just made it all so much more painful for her.

“Yeah. The security seems tight. I think we should be good here for a few days at least,” I replied as I walked over to where Aleks had set his laptop up at the island in the large kitchen.

“Then what?” Nick asked. He was in the kitchen too, looking through the refrigerator, which looked fully stocked.

“I don’t know, man,” I sighed as I dropped tiredly into the seat beside Aleks. “I guess we see what Evie wants to do, but I still think the safest thing, and best for Evie’s mental state of mind right now, would be to get out of the states for a while.”

I knew Evie was strong. She always had been, even when I knew her years before, but she had been through hell recently and it just wasn’t stopping. Soloman was stalking her and it seemed he was never going to give up. Our attempts to find and catch, or end him, were proving useless and I was just terrified if Evie had to go through much more she really was going to break. We couldn’t allow that to happen.

“I still can’t believe Kyle watched the fucking disc. How could he? Not only has he broken any trust Evie had in him, but he’s subjected her to the damned footage. It’s the last thing she needed. She already has to relive it every night in her nightmares,” Aleks said, and I could hear the rage in his words. He was pissed. We all were. Even if I kind of understand Kyle’s need to know what Evie had been through, I couldn’t get why he went about it as he had. To watch footage of his own sister being tortured! It turned my stomach and I hated to think about how betrayed Evie had to feel.

“I should have kicked his ass,” I growled. I had been so damned close, but I stopped myself because I knew it would only add to Evie’s upset and I would never do that to her.

“We all should have,” Nick agreed.

“Where is she anyway? Is she okay?” I asked.

“She wanted to take a shower. Kailan found her a bathroom to use. He’s just trying to find her some clothes in the bags,” Aleks explained.

“We need to keep her close. I’m worried about her right now. I think she’s close to breaking point,” I admitted. I had been worried ever since the explosion at our place, and things hadn’t gotten any easier for her since then.

“I agree,” Nick said. “I think maybe it would be a good idea for us all to just take some time here, while we’re safe, and give her some time to regroup. She needs sleep and food, and some time to just breathe without the threat of that fucker or the pressure of her family.”

“Yeah. That sounds good to me. I could do with some fucking time to regroup too,” I sighed. I was so damned sick of the woman I loved being in danger. I was so terrified we were going to lose her all of the time and it was exhausting. I just needed this to be over as much as Evie did – we all did. We needed her to be safe. “I’ll talk to Evie. Hopefully she’ll go for that idea too.”

“I don’t think she has much choice. She’s running on fumes right now. She can’t keep going for much longer,” Nick pointed out and I knew he was right.

“I’ll go and check on her. You making food?” I looked to Nick as I got to my feet.

“Yeah. I’ll make some pancakes. They’re her favorite and Zack will devour them too.”

“Is there anything that kid won’t devour?” I laughed.

“If there is, I haven’t found it yet.”

As I left the kitchen and headed down the long hallway, which was presumably filled with bedrooms, Kailan came out of one with a pile of clothes in his arms.

“Hey boss,” he greeted. “We all secure?”

“Yeah, I think so. I don’t think that fucker will risk trying to get past all the security personnel in the building,” I told him with confidence.

“Thank fuck for Asher and his money.”

“Yeah. We seriously owe him after this,” I agreed. “Is Ev still in the shower?”

“Yeah. I was just bringing her some clothes. There are a ton of bedrooms down there. We can have one each if we want,” he explained as he waved down the hall behind him.

“I have a feeling Evie won’t be sleeping unless we’re all close.”

“I’m good with that. I hate having her out of my sight right now,” Kailan said, and I completely agreed. It was why I had gone looking for her. I needed eyes on her, so I knew for sure she was okay.

“Let’s check on her,” I suggested and Kailan led the way to the bathroom he had left her in. We could hear the shower was still running as we got close, so Kailan knocked and called for her.

“Maybe she can’t hear me over the water,” he shrugged when there was no reply.

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