Page 41 of Keep Healing

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“I saw him at that business strategy conference I went to last year. We caught up and he told me if we ever needed anything, all we had to do was call. His number’s in my cell. His family have a private jet. They can get us out of here fast.”

“Call him. I’ll check on Nick and get to Evie,” I said.

“Soloman? Any sign of the sonofabitch?”

“No, but he could be fucking anywhere on the property right now. You armed?” I asked, and Harris pulled his gun from the small of his back. We had all been armed when we checked the perimeter, just in case. We had all decided, not long after Evie told us everything, that if we got eyes on that bastard, we’d end him.

“Go to Evie and stay with her in the panic room. I’ll check on Nick and get the car ready to go. We leave as soon as we know Nick’s good.”

I nodded my agreement and bolted for the house, desperate to get to Evie and see for myself she was safe.

I walked into Harris’s room, keeping a constant watch on my surroundings, but there was no sign anyone had been in the house. When I got to the bathroom I opened the small panel in the wall, revealing a hidden keypad. I typed in the code and the door slowly released. I opened it, desperate to get eyes on her, and walked in without announcing myself. I realized my mistake as a tiny blonde missile launched herself at me and moved to stab me with something I just saw the glint of as I grabbed her wrist and turned her, pressing her back to my front and wrapping my free arm around her to subdue her without hurting her.

She was shaking like a pneumatic drill and she fought like hell to get out of my grip, using every self defense move she had, I guessed. The problem was, I was so much bigger than her, and she was shaking so damned hard, I was pretty sure she’d collapse if I let her go.

“Evie!” I tried again. I’d already tried to get through to her several times, but she was terrified. I lowered my face to her ear and placed a gentle kiss behind it, before whispering, instead of shouting. “Easy darlin’. It’s me. It’s Kailan,” I told her, and finally she stopped fighting and turned her head until she could see me enough to calm down.

“Kailan,” she blurted, along with a deep, anguished sob. I turned her in my arms and held her tightly.

“I’m here, darlin’. You’re okay,” I told her as I remembered to pull the security door closed behind me, finally. Harris would kick my ass if he knew how long I had risked it being open, but subduing and comforting Evie had seemed like the priority.

“The others?” she asked as she looked up at me. Her eyes were red and swollen from tears and her face was ghostly white. She’d been so scared and I hated myself for leaving her.

“They’re okay. Harris and Nick were taken out by the impact, but they’re both okay now,” I explained.

“Im-impact? It w-was a bomb?” she asked shakily.

“It dosn’t matter now. We’ll keep you safe, I promise, but we have to leave. It’s not safe here any more,” I explained.

“So it was Soloman?”

“We don’t know, but we think so. As soon as Nick is patched up, we’re all getting in the car and getting out of here. Where’s Zack?” I asked as I looked around.

“Asleep. I put him in the tub. I…I was so sc-scared Soloman would get to him,” she squeaked through her tight throat.

“You did so good, Evie, but we’re here now. We won’t let him hurt either of you,” I promised her. She nodded and sank exhaustedly against me as she held up a bloody hand, I remembered she had tried to stab me with something, and when I opened her fingers gently, I found a small pair of scissors, which she’d been gripping so hard they’d cut into her hand deeply, hence the blood.

“Fuck!” I hissed. “What did you do, crazy girl?” I took the scissors from her, dropping them into the sink then wrapped a small, clean hand towel around her rapidly bleeding hand.

“They were all I could find,” she told me as she just clung to me.

“You’re bleeding a lot. This hand might need stitches,” I explained.

“It’s fine. I w-want to see the others.”

Before I could even start searching for a first aid kit, the beeping of the door started again, then Aleks was stepping in, followed by a slightly concussed looking Nick. He was holding a kitchen towel to the back of his head and there were several cuts on his face too.

“What happened?” They both asked with perfect synchronicity as they saw the, already blood stained, towel around Evie’s hand.

“Are you guys okay?” Evie cried at the same time. She reached for them, and Aleks pulled her into his arms, but looked to me.

“She was ready to defend herself with some scissors and held them way too tightly. I need to take a closer look. There’s a lot of blood,” I explained as I opened the cupboard under the vanity and puled out a first aid kit.

“Zack?” Nick asked.

“He’s okay. He’s fast asleep.” I nodded to the bath and Nick stepped forwards to check on his boy.

“Bring the kit with you. Harris has the car ready. He wants us to go right now. He says we have a safe place to head,” Aleks explained.

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