Page 38 of Keep Healing

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I clung tightly to Aleks shoulders as I rode the waves of pleasure, my mind fuzzy and thinking of nothing but how damned good I felt and the man who had gotten me there.

Moments later Aleks grunted with he force of him finding his own pleasure, then we were both just clinging to each other, the shower raining down over us.

“You guys…a-are gonna kill me,” I gasped playfully, as I realized being with all four of them would mean a whole lot of repeats of what I had already had with Kailan and Aleks, not that I’d be protesting any time soon.

“More like the other way around,” Aleks chuckled as he lifted his head from my shoulder and kissed me chastely.

“Are you okay? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” he asked with concern. I smiled and leaned in to place a kiss on the end of his nose.

“You were perfect. It was all perfect,” I assured him. “Just don’t put me down because there’s no way my legs are working for a while,” I laughed.

“I’ve got you, kochanie,” he promised as he held me tighter. I lay my head on his shoulder and sighed in contentment. I knew the peace would be broken soon, no doubt by a phone call from my brothers, so I was determined to enjoy every single second of the quiet I had found in my head and the amazing man who held me.



I was still somewhat away up in the clouds as I got dressed. Aleks had gone to his room to do the same, after several more long, languid kisses that had only had me fired up for round two, but Aleks had reminded me that Nick was making us breakfast, and we needed to make an appearance. So I’d pulled on clean underwear, jeans and a cute, baby pink sweater Harris had insisted I have at the store. I didn’t bother to dry my hair or apply makeup, knowing the guys didn’t care about that stuff, especially when we were all consigned to the house.

It was kind of odd to feel so happy, but how could I not after what had happened that morning, and with the memories of my time in bed with Kailan playing in my mind too? Yes, there was a lot going on that should have me curled up in a ball, rocking in the corner with fear, and without the guys, maybe I would be. Maybe I’d be stuck in that shitty apartment, alone, and afraid. Maybe by now I’d have snapped and lost it. But the point was, I wasn’t stuck there alone. I was in a safe home, surrounded by men who made me feel protected and who helped me to find some balance between the trauma I was trying to deal with, and the happiness they could make me feel.

With them I felt a little like I knew who I was again, for the first time in so long. Kailan had been right – the person I was now wasn’t the person I had been. She was a mix of the old me, and of the new me who had been created by everything I had been through and the things I’d done to survive. She was a little broken and definitely scarred, but she was also stronger and far less naïve. I had been forced to grow up so much, no longer sheltered by the family who had protected me from the real world for so long. I’d been forced to learn, fight, and survive alone. All of that defined this new version of me just as much as the scars, nightmares, and flashbacks did.

“You ready, honey?” I turned and found Aleks stood in the doorway of my room, now dressed in jeans and a black hooded sweater. His hair had been tamed and styled neatly into place and I could smell his cologne from across the room. He was so handsome and he smelled amazing. I couldn’t stop myself from running to him and wrapping my arms around his waist in a huge hug.

“What’s this for?” he asked as he held me too.

“I’m just so glad and grateful that I’m here with you…with all of you,” I admitted.

“We’re all glad and grateful for that too,” he told me as he placed a kiss on top of my head. “Come on. You need to eat.”

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me downstairs. When we walked into the kitchen Nick was still making pancakes and adding them to a huge plateful beside him. Harris was setting the table and Kailan had a hold of Zack in front of the patio doors. It had snowed a little the night before and Zack seemed fascinated to see everything covered in white.

I couldn’t deny how good Kailan looked, dressed in low slung jeans and a clinging white tee, Zack in his arms and that sexy smile on his face as he chatted away to the little guy. The thought of what an amazing dad he would be flitted through my mind and I had to reprimand myself to push it back again. It was way too soon for those thoughts.

“You ready to eat, baby? Harris made your coffee already,” Nick said as he nodded towards a steaming mug, which sat on the counter.

“Thank you,” I told Harris as I stopped him walking past me with a grab of his arm. I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed the underside of his jaw, which was as far as I could reach without him bending down for me.

“I’ll do it more often if it gets me kisses,” he teased as he bent down and chastely kissed my lips. He was dressed in black cargo pants and a black t-shirt. His tattoos were on show and he smelled deliciously of something citrusy.

“You can have kisses whenever you want,” I told him shyly.

“Gonna hold you to that, Ev,” he laughed.

I grabbed my coffee to busy my hands and looked around the kitchen again. Kailan hadn’t moved, but Aleks was behind his laptop already, just as I suspected. He was obsessed with checking the security system for hacks. Thankfully there had been nothing so far.

“What about my kisses?” Nick asked, and when I turned to him he had the most adorable pout on his face. “I don’t get kisses for making pancakes?”

“Of course you do,” I assured him as I put my cup down and hurried around the counter to him. “You get kisses when you want too.” I reached up to kiss wherever I could reach, then squealed in surprise when he whisked me up into his arms bridal style. I grabbed his shoulders and hung on as he leaned in to kiss me, and this was no peck. His tongue demanded entrance and I was powerless to deny him. All I could do was hang on and enjoy the ferocious kiss we shared.

By the time he put me back on my feet I was a little dizzy, but there was a huge, happy smile on my face.

“Okay, enough Romeo,” Harris laughed. “Let’s eat before your kid turns feral.”

I squeezed past Nick to get to my coffee, not missing the gentle brush of his hand against my ass as I did so, but when I turned to him with a smirk he was concentrating on the food like he hadn’t done anything. I laughed, amazed to see this new, playful side of him that was beginning to come out. I loved it. Who was I kidding? I loved everything that every one of them did. I was a goner for these amazing warriors and I knew it.

We all ate breakfast together, mainly laughing at Zack’s antics as he grabbed food and shoved it into his mouth as fast as he could, over and over again. By the time he was finished he was a sticky mess of pancakes syrup and fresh fruit, but he had the biggest smile on his podgy little face. The whole thing had been so normal, all of us laughing and having fun, the guys fighting over the last of the pancakes. There had been no talk of any of the horror surrounding me or even of my brothers. It had just been a wonderfully domestic morning that made me crave so many more just like it.

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