Page 26 of Keep Healing

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“Who’s Kayla?” Kade asked. When I turned to see him, he was on his feet with Zack looking so tiny in his huge arms.

“Zack’s mom. She left him here almost a week ago and hasn’t answered a single call or text from Nick since,” I explained as I tried to show a façade of calm.

“Kyle, come back in here and let the others deal with this,” Xander called to Kyle, who was still loitering near the front windows with a hand way too close to his side where I knew he’d have his gun. “This has nothing to do with us,” Xander added, much to my relief.

Kyle listened and came back to the table. He grabbed his mug and headed for the kitchen to refill it.

It took a couple of minutes, but I managed to calm my racing heart and trembling hands enough to stand.

“Give Zack to me please, Kade. I should take him out there. She must have missed him,” I said as I reached my arms out for the little guy, who came to me happily. I wasn’t exactly keen to see Kayla again, but she was likely desperate to see her son and the last thing I needed was her coming into the house and getting my brother’s hackles up even higher.

I was barely in the living room before I could hear Kayla’s shrill screaming.

“Do what you want! I don’t give a shit anymore!” She cursed and I instantly covered Zack’s ears, which he seemed to think was a game as he shook his head to free himself.

“Kayla, you don’t mean that,” Nick tried to soothe. “He’s your son.”

“I never wanted him and you know it. You think I wanted to be tied down with some kid that never stops screaming? It was you! You made me have him. I should have just had the whole thing terminated the second I found out.”

“Kade!” I called as I turned and hurried back towards the kitchen. Kade appeared before me instantly and judging from the tense look on his face, they’d all heard Kayla’s disgusting words too. “Can you take him somewhere he doesn’t have to hear that?” I asked as I handed the innocent little boy back to my brother. I refused to leave Nick to take that bitch’s abuse.

Kade nodded and headed for the back yard with Zack in his arms, Cole rising to follow him out.

“Evie,” Kyle called as I turned back for the front of the house. “Maybe you should stay out of this.”

“Fuck that, Kyle. Nick’s done taking her bullshit,” I growled suddenly filled with an anger and determination I hadn’t felt in so long. It felt good – felt right. It was a part of me that I had lost in all of the horror, but I was ready to take it back.

“So what?” I heard Harris’s annoyed tone clip. “This guy proposes and you abandon your kid?”

“This is my chance to start over and I can’t do that with that whining brat on my hip!”

“Stop talking about our son that way, Kay. I won’t tell you again,” Nick growled.

“Fuck you, Nick! You’re a worthless, no good drunk. You forced me to squeeze that kid out, and for what? You barely even see him! You have us living in that dump of an apartment, barely surviving on the cents you give us! I should be taking you to court for what I’m owed, you no good asshole!”

“Okay, enough!” I snapped as I walked right up beside Nick and took his hand in mine. “You don’t get to talk to him like that. He’s a great father to that amazing little boy.” Nick tried to move me behind him, but I stood my ground, refusing to cower to this bitch anymore. She had done nothing but bad mouth a good man and her own, innocent child. Enough was enough.

“Get back in your fucking box, you little whore! This has nothing to do with you,” Kayla spat as she glared daggers at me.

“Do not talk to her like that, Kayla. Not one of us will stand for it,” Kailan snapped, sounding way scarier than he ever had before.

“So you are fucking all of them?” she sneered as she stepped towards me. Instantly Aleks and Kailan jumped in front of me, looking menacing as hell with their arms crossed, like they were protecting the president or something.

“Last warning, Kayla,” Aleks warned.

“You know what? Fuck all of you! I don’t have to take this bullshit anymore!” She shoved Aleks, or tried to, but she had no success. He was a lot bigger than her. I didn’t even think. I just saw red and moved swiftly round Kailan, stepping outside onto the step, and coming face to face with the poisonous viper.

“Put you hands on one of them again, I fucking dare you,” I goaded her. All of my previous insecurities and fears were over taken by the need to protect the guys who I knew would never lift a hand to her no matter what she did. A part of me even wanted her to try, because taking her down to her ass would be really satisfying after the bullshit she’d just spewed.

Nick stepped out and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, holding me tight, like he feared he would have to hold me back.

“Enough Kayla!” he boomed, stopping whatever venom was about to be thrown back at me. “So this is it. You’re just leaving Zack here and never looking back?”

“Yes! Because this isn’t the fucking life I want. Dan has a hotel in Vegas. He can take care of me, but he doesn’t want a kid, and neither do I! How many times do you need me to explain it?” she hissed.

“He’s your son? How can you do this?” Nick asked, seeming genuinely confused. I was too if I were honest. Zack was an amazing baby – bright, happy, and so content most of the time. He barely ever cried.

“Well, he’s your damn kid now! Either take care of him or hand him to family services. I don’t care. Just don’t ever contact me again. I’m out! His shit’s in the bag, along with papers witnessed by Dan’s attorney, handing away my parental rights. The kid’s not my problem anymore. He’s yours. Good fucking luck!” She thrust the large suitcase towards Nick, then turned on her heel and strutted down the drive like nothing had even happened.

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