Page 21 of Keep Healing

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“I’m full. It was delicious, Nick. Thank you,” I replied, averting my nervous gaze to Nick for comfort. He nodded and winked at me, giving me exactly what I needed.

“You need to eat more than that, half pint,” Xander gently scolded.

“Evie’s better with small amounts, often, right now. We stocked up on fruit and snacks so she can just grab something when she feels hungry again. It’s been working okay, hasn’t it Ev?” Harris cut in, which I was grateful for.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I didn’t eat much before and I guess my stomach shrank,” I added with a shrug. When Soloman had me, I barely ate at all for those weeks, and after, when I was alone n the city, I was too much of a mess and too broke to eat more then I absolutely had to. Not to mention anxiety seemed to have taken a firm grip on my stomach.

“I can make you some soup next time I come. That will help,” Matt told me, and I smiled gratefully. No way I was turning down anything he was willing to cook for me.

“The spicy beef broth? I’ve been dreaming about that soup for years,” Harris exclaimed.

“No. My chicken broth is the one that is light on your stomach, but I can make the beef broth too,” Matt offered and Harris nodded eagerly.

“Is it okay if I call by tomorrow to borrow your kitchen? I’ll bring everything I need,” Matt asked.

“Sure. Anytime. We’ll be here,” Nick replied.

“Wait, don’t you all need to get back home? What about Livy and Jake, not to mention the kids? Don’t you have to work?” I asked, aiming the last part at Xander who hardly ever took time off from his job at the hospital.

“I took two weeks off the second we heard you’d been taken. My chief was fine with it, but even if he weren’t, I’d be here,” Xander explained.

“And everyone else is fine. Livy has mom and dad to help her with the kids. Emilia, Linc, and the guys said they’d help too. We’re staying as long as you want us to, Evie,” Kyle added.



Later that night, I found myself in bed alone. The good news – my brothers and my guys seemed to have come to a truce and were getting along pretty well when I left them all drinking beer in the living room, too tired to stay awake any longer. The bad news – I was in bed alone and I freaking hated it.

I knew it was crazy. The house was locked up tight and every single entry point was alarmed. The guys were still doing an insane number of sweeps of the grounds and checks of the security. No one could get in. I knew that too, but my brain was messing with me as I lay in my dimly lit room alone. Any tiredness I had been feeling before was gone, replaced with sheer panic and fear.

Every time I closed my eyes, Soloman was right there, just waiting for me, ready to drag me back into one terrifying flashback after another, and the longer I lay there, the more I was allowing my anxiety to take hold. I was desperate to message one of my guys and beg them to come and lie with me, but my pride wouldn’t allow it. I didn’t want my brothers to know I was that pathetic that I couldn’t even be alone. What would they think of me? They’d be so disappointed after all they’d done to make me tough and strong. This weak person wasn’t who I was. It was who I had allowed Soloman to turn me into.

Angry and annoyed with myself I threw back the comforter and climbed out of bed. Sleep wasn’t going to happen. Instead I pulled on the robe the guys had bought me and tiptoed from my room and down the hall to Zack’s.

Nick had bathed him and put him to bed hours ago. Now he lay in his crib, fast asleep and looking so peaceful. His room was filled with a comforting scent – a perfect mix of baby lotion and Nick’s aftershave. I sank down into the comfortable armchair that sat in the corner.

I lay my head back against the soft cushion and closed my eyes, the sound of Zack’s little inhales and exhales calming me down and putting a halt on my rising anxiety. For a while I just sat there, breathing in the comforting scent, and taking calm from those little quiet breaths.

Eventually I tucked my legs up under me and before too long I was being lulled to sleep by the rhythmic breathing and the calm of the room.


I jolted and leapt awake in panic as I felt the odd sensation of being moved. My eyes snapped open as I struggled in the grip a little, but as soon as I saw Harris I calmed.

“It’s okay. It’s just me. I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispered.

“It’s okay. I’m a light sleeper now,” I explained sleepily. He had me in his arms and my head lay against his shoulder. “What time is it?” I asked.

“Late. Your brothers just left,” he told me as we moved out of Zack’s room.

“They’re not driving are they?”

“No. They called for a cab. I offered to let them stay, but they wanted to go back to the hotel,” he explained. “They’ll be back tomorrow, and this time I think it should all go much more smoothly. I think we’re actually all getting along.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” I got out between yawns.

“What were you doing in Zack’s room? Did he wake up? We didn’t hear anything on the monitor?

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