Page 17 of Keep Healing

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“They’re here,” Aleks said, making me pause in my tracks. Kissing Nick would have to wait, but I would definitely get to it.

“I’ll let them in. They like me best anyway,” Kailan announced. With one more kiss on the top of my head he left to open the front door.

“He’s dreaming if he thinks they like any of us,” Aleks scoffed.

“Just try to give them a chance guys. Their bark really is worse then their bite,” I told them, but even I doubted that statement. When it came to protecting people they loved, there was nothing my brothers wouldn’t do.

“We’ll be nice, if they are,” Nick told me. My face dropped knowing how unlikely it was my brothers were going to be nice. Maybe Xander would try, but the others? Forget it! “Come here, baby,” Nick added as he held out his arm. I didn’t even stop to consider it. I just went to him and curled into his side as he wrapped his arm around me, Zack between us. “Are you up to this?” he asked. He lifted my chin so he could study my face.

“Yeah. I’m good,” I lied.

“No lies, remember?”

“Fine. I’m not good, but I’m okay, and I’ll feel a lot better when I eat some of what ever that delicious smell is.”

“Lasagna. It’s the only thing I could make enough of for all of us. They’ll like that right? They’re not vegan or anything?”

“Ha! Vegan? They will eat literally anything, Nick. Just don’t mention vegans in front of Matt. It’s a dirty word to him,” I laughed. “It will be great. Thank you for cooking for them.” I reached up and kissed his cheek, knowing we didn’t have time for more. I could already hear Kailan jovially greeting my brothers and getting very little in return.

Not wanting to fuel the fire, I stepped away from Nick and reached into the salad bowl to grab a slice of cucumber, popping it in my mouth, then holding another up for Zack, which he snatched and shoved into his mouth as fast as he could.

“Don’t you feed this poor kid?” I laughed as I looked from Nick to Harris.

“He just ate an hour ago, a whole damned banana and a yoghurt,” Nick sighed, but he couldn’t hide the proud smile on his face from me. I saw it.

“You’re a growing boy, aren’t you, Zack?” I cooed as I handed him another slice of cucumber which he once again shoved in and devoured. I burst out laughing when he reached as far as he could for the huge bowl.

“What the fuck?” I looked up at the sharp tone in Kyle’s voice and found him frozen in the kitchen entry way, staring at me with a scowl.

“Kyle! No swearing in front of little ears!” I scolded, realizing instantly just how much that made me sound exactly like my mom.

“What the…is…how can he be….is that your damned kid?” he floundered, barely able to get the words out.

“What? What’s going on?” Cole asked as he strode in and past Kyle, followed by Matt. Kade and Xander were right on their heels, then all five of them were gawking at me with the same angry and puzzled expressions.

“Evie. Explain,” Kade grumbled as they all just glared. I sighed deeply as I resettled Zack on my hip and rounded the counter to take a seat at the dining table. All five sets of eyes followed me, but not one of them moved.

“You guys are so ridiculous,” I scoffed as I looked round to them. “You all have kids. Please, one of you tell me how old you think Zack here is?”

“Too old to be yours, obviously,” Xander answered, finally recovering some common sense. “But who is he?”

“He’s mine,” Nick spoke up.

“You’re married?” Matt gasped like a housewife clutching her pearls.

“Jesus guys. What the hell have you been drinking?” I laughed.

“Someone please explain before Kyle Hulks out,” Xander urged.

“For God’s sake. Zack is Nick’s son. He had a one night thing with Zack’s mom. They’re not now, nor have they ever been married. Now Nick and the mom share custody. That clear everything up for everyone?” I asked snippily.

“So that’s why they want you here, to play mom to their kid?” Kyle growled and when I turned to him he was turning colors that worried me. He really was about to Hulk out.

“Kyle!” I snapped.

“Seriously man? You know me. You really think I’d treat Evie like that?” Harris barked.

“I know you walked away from her with barely a word and broke her damned heart!” Kyle threw back.

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