Page 15 of Keep Healing

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“I’ll be here,” Nick said. “I’ve been suspended pending investigation, so I have a whole lot of free time on my hands.”

“Shit. I’m sorry man. That’s because I made you keep Evie being here quiet, isn’t it?” Harris looked guiltily to Nick as he spoke.

“It’s all good. I’d rather be here with Evie and Zack right now any way and I could use a break. The job was starting to get to me, all the awful shit I see on a daily basis. If I’m honest I’m not so sure it was the right career choice after everything we already saw overseas. It’s just fucking me up even more.”

“Can’t say I disagree with you. I don’t know how you do that job,” Harris told him. “You know we can always find work for you at the company. You already have an office there.”

“For now I’m good at home, where I’m needed. Lert’s just get through this and then I can reevaluate my career choices.”

“Anything from Kayla yet?” I asked. Nick had called her several times amongst the chaos, worried about Zack being in the house if anything happened, but so far Kayla hadn’t answered a single call or responded to any texts.

“Nah. She’s obviously having way too much fun with whichever rich sucker she’s latched onto now.”

“Fuck her. Our little buddy is way better off here with us anyway,” Kailan said as he tapped Nick reassuringly on the shoulder.

“We’ll keep him safe, Nick. You know that, right? We’re not going to let anything happen to him,” Harris added when Nick turned to the video monitor to check on his son with a look of worry and fear.

“Yeah, I know. Thanks man.” Nick took one last, long look at Evie where she lay right on the edge of the bed, snuggled on her side and sleeping soundly. “I should go and see what we have for dinner before her brothers show up. Can’t have them finding any more fault with us.”

“Hate to break it to you, bro, but I’m pretty sure they’re gonna do that anyway, no matter how good your spaghetti is,” Kailan chuckled, and we all knew he was right. We definitely had an uphill climb ahead of us where Evie’s brothers were concerned.

“I’ll do another sweep outside,” I volunteered. It had been over an hour since the guys did the last one and we were all feeling extra antsy with this asshole, Soloman, on the loose.

“I’ll come with you,” Harris offered. “You good to stay with her? I’m worried about nightmares.”

“Not going anywhere, boss,” Kailan promised as he moved to sit beside Evie on the bed, in the spot Harris was currently vacating, albeit reluctantly. It was like he too, dare not take his eyes off of her.

“Come on, Harris. Kailan has her,” I assured him as I gave his shoulder a squeeze of reassurance.

But for all my bravado to reassure Harris, I still felt a pain in my chest as I forced myself to leave the room. I didn’t want to be away from her – not yet – not after everything she’d been through and us almost losing her, but I had to. We had to. We had to be sure she was safe. Nothing else mattered.


I was completely shocked by how soundly and deeply I had slept when I opened my eyes, but then I found Kailan laid out beside me and knew that was why. The guys hadn’t left me. One of them had been with me constantly and somehow, even in sleep, their presence had soothed me and allowed me to get the rest I needed.

“Morning,” I joked as I turned on my side to face Kailan, pulling his attention from whatever he’d been looking at on his cell.

“Morning, my beautiful girl,” he gushed as he dropped his cell to the bed and turned on his side, mirroring me. “How did you sleep?” he brushed some of the wild strands of my hair from my face, the smile never once leaving his handsome, slightly stubble covered face.

“Good, really good, actually. I think I must have needed it,” I laughed as I casually attempted to smooth down the remainder of my completely wild hair. I had laid down with it still wet, not to mention I hadn’t even shampooed it in the shower. It was a rat’s nest and I dreaded trying to tame it.

“Stop trying to straighten your hair,” he said as he reached up and grabbed my hand, holding it in his between us. “I like it like that. You look perfect.”

“Perfect? Kailan, my hair is a complete disaster right now. I’m pretty sure I look far from perfect,” I laughed.

“It’s pointless to argue with me. I’m always right, and I say you’re perfect just as you are.”

“Always right, huh?” I scoffed.

“Yep. Always, especially when it comes to how perfect my girl is at all times.”

“So I’m your girl now, am I? That’s the second time you’ve said that,” I pointed out.

“You said you like us. You already know we’re crazy about you. I think that makes you ‘my girl’, or at least ‘our girl’,” he explained. The words were confident, but there was an uncertainty and vulnerability on his face that about broke my heart.

“I think I might like being your girl,” I assured him, then I leaned in and kissed him square on the lips, taking him by surprise.

“Wait,” he said as I moved to pull away. “That wasn’t fair. I wasn’t ready,” he added with the most adorable pout.

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