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“Yeah, it was something about the moisture that drained all of the power. Just give me one second. I’ll pull my vehicle over here.”

“Thanks again.”

I square my hood so that it is as close to hers as possible, and then I attach the cables like Grandpa Bob taught me when I first started driving.

“Okay, give it a try!”

She does, and the engine revs loudly.


“Now let’s just hope the rain holds off long enough for me to finally get back to the city.”

“I hope so. I’m sure you miss your family.”

“Oh, I do. It’s killing me to be away from them.”

“Well, drive safe.”

“I will. Thanks.”

She then reverses down the driveway and waves before driving off.

“Was that—was that Coral?” Dean asks, from the direction of my home.

“Yes. She’s hoping to make it home while the rain is light.”

“Got it.”

“What were you doing in there?” I ask.

He looks back before answering. “I just needed to have a talk with your grandfather.”

“About buying our farm?”

He takes his right hand, rubs near his bottom lip, and glares at the ground. And when he looks back up at me, his gray eyes make my heart pound. But I try to keep up the illusion that I am nothing but angry at him.

“Yeah. But I’m starting to change my mind about all of that.”

“What? Why?”

“Out of respect.”

“What does that mean?”

“Your grandpa wants to live out the rest of his life here. I can’t take that away from him.”

“Seriously? That’s all it took for you to back down?”

“Well, that. And you.”


“Yes, Mae. I know what you said before—about not meaning it when you said you had feelings for me. But I do. Have feelings for you, I mean.”

My chest feels like it’s sinking into my stomach.


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