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He hangs his head and shrugs his shoulders. “I guess.”

“Well, why didn’t you say anything?” It’s not like I am some jock of a father who forces his kid to do sports or something.

“I don’t know.”

“If you want, we can see what art classes you can take in the fall.”

“Okay, that’d be cool I guess.” Which in his language is like a shout from a hilltop.

“Do you have any more? Of your drawings, I mean.”

He then takes out a whole folder.

“Oh, wow!” I flip through the pages and am even more impressed with his abilities. And I stop on one of a young woman—who I can tell by the blue butterfly necklace is Mina. But I don’t want to embarrass him by pointing that out, so I just move on.

“The pizza is ready!” Coral soon calls out to us.

“Come on. Let’s go eat.” I close the folder and put my arm around my son’s shoulder. I’m amazed and so proud.

Chapter sixteen

Mae - Stay or Back to the City

Upon the first sign of rain, Mina asks me to rush outside and cover the beehives with the particular rain covering that Dwight Summers sold us. Apparently, bees can handle most kinds of weather, but they don’t like anything wet.

After that, I feed my family and then head out again to tend to the animals. Of course, this task is made even more difficult than normal because of the gusting winds and pouring rain. But I don’t feel right about forcing my child or elderly grandfather out in the elements to get things done.

“Be careful, Mae,” Grandpa Bob yells, from behind me.

“Uh-huh. I’ll be fine.”

Then, I open the doors and rush as fast as I can out into the barn.

On the way, I get drenched. And this whole ordeal is really making me miss the city, where I would probably be just chilling out on my couch without having to brave the elements to care for my yard or animals.

It’s not like things are completely calm inside the house, either. We learned that Boris is deathly afraid of thunder, and he is cowering under Grandpa Bob’s bed. Mina is trying to coax him out with some leftover turkey meat. Grandpa Bob, on the other hand, is busy trying to tend to the various leaks in the ceiling.

“Ugh! This is going to lead to mold!” I hear him complaining.

Well, we’re only in this situation because of you! I once again daydream about what it would be like to be back living in my apartment.

I then go to the closet to get a towel to dry off with and check in on my daughter.

“How are things coming?”

“He hasn’t budged.”

“Poor thing.”

“I just want him to come out, so I can hold him and tell him it’s okay.”

“I know, sweetie. But maybe it’s best if we just leave him there until the storm passes. I mean, maybe he feels safer like that.”

“You might be right.” She stands up and eats the meat she was trying to tempt him with.

“You did not just do that.”

“What? It’s cooked.”

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