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“I’m kidding. Of course, Seamus loves you.”

“He better. I’ve popped out plenty of Seamus babies for him.”

“I know that’s right. Sometimes, it feels like I’ve paid you for more maternity time than actual working hours.”


“Kidding again.” But she does have a lot of kids, especially for someone who isn’t that much older than me. Lorraine is her fifth.

“Do you think you’ll ever want more?”

“What?” The question takes me off guard.


“Oh! Uh…”

“There’s no way you haven’t thought about it after all of these years.”

“No, I have. I just don’t know. Maybe?”

“I’m sure Dyl would love some little siblings to boss around.”

I cock my head to the side. “True.”

“So?” She points to the house next door. “She still looks fertile to me.”

“Eww. First of all, nobody looks fertile—”

“She does.”

“Stop it. You’re grossing me out.”

Coral flings her arms in the air. “I’m sorry. I’m just saying.”

“I know. And point taken.”

The oven dings, so I go over to pop the pizza inside of it. When I come back, she’s typing away on my laptop.

“Hey! How the heck did you know my password?”

“Really? How do you think I keep track of those self-made appointments you never tell me about so I don’t double book you?” she responds, without pausing her fingers.

“Fair enough. What are you doing exactly?”

“I’m looking for other potential locations for Cornel Condominiums.”

“Coral! They have to be here.”

“No, they actually don’t.”


“At least entertain the idea, please.” She clutches her hands at her chest and pouts.

I just shrug. “Fine. If you can find somewhere that is even better than this—and I did say even better. Not almost as good. Better. Then, I’ll consider it.”


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