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Dylan opens the fridge and pokes around. He’s probably looking for something to eat, which reminds me that I need to make or buy something for dinner soon. Maybe I can invite the Dales over, I think yet again.

“What about them?” Dylan asks.

I wave my hand under my chin to discourage Coral from continuing, but she does anyway.

“Well, I think he should ask her on a date. Don’t you?” she asks my son.

“Uh…” Dylan stops looking in the fridge. Instead, he turns serious gray eyes on us.

“I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to,” I explain.

“Good,” Dylan says. “Because I meant what I said about you not getting remarried.” A crack of thunder rings out overhead, and rain begins to pour onto our roof, loud and angry.

“What’s this now?” Coral asks.

“I don’t want Dad to get remarried,” Dylan repeats himself, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Why on earth would you say that?” Coral asks, confused.

“Because after Mom left, he was so sad. And he’s finally starting to seem happy again.” He’s got a frown on his face that makes me want to find Anna and shake her.

“What makes you think that Mae and her family aren’t a part of his current happiness?”

“I thought of that,” Dylan says. I hadn’t realized just how much this had been worrying him lately. “But that’s why I’ve been encouraging his painting so hard.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I know you’re happy when you paint. So, this way, you can stay happy but not run the risk of getting your heart broken.” Dylan shrugs. He sounds so sure of himself.

“Dyl…” Coral walks over to Dylan and takes his hand. “Falling in love always involves risk. It’s one of the most vulnerable positions you can be in because you give your heart openly to someone, all the while not truly knowing whether they’ll keep it safe, throw it away, or stomp on it.”

“Think about Mina,” I add, walking closer to them. “Has it been worthwhile getting to know her even though you don’t know where the relationship will go in the future?”

“But we’re—” Dylan breaks off, his face flushing red. “We’re just friends.”

“I don’t buy that for a second,” Coral says, with a massive grin. She pokes him in the ribs, and he steps away from both of us.

“It’s true!” Dylan insists.

I throw my hands in the air in defense. “Okay, okay. Whatever you say.” But I’m grinning at him.

Dylan looks between Coral and me, frowns, and stomps back up the stairs.

“So…,” Cora says. “Who’s Mina?”

“Wilhelmina Dale, Mae’s fourteen-year-old daughter,” I tell her.

“Oh, my gosh,” Coral squeals. “How adorable would that be? You and Mae together, and then Dylan and her daughter. Wait. But wouldn’t that make them stepsiblings?”

We both shiver at the thought.

“There you go,” I throw my hands up. “Yet another reason why things between me and Mae can’t work.”

Coral dips her chin and gives me a stern look. Sometimes, she acts more like a sister than an assistant. “Seriously? You’re going to let a little crush your teenage son has dictate your own love life?”


“That’s ridiculous,” Coral throws her hands into the air. “You have to remember - I have teenagers of my own. Sure, this Mina may be the light of his world right now, but wait a few more days or weeks. There’ll be another girl. Or boy.”

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