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“Should we ask the Cornels—wait.” He pauses. “Never mind.”

“Yeah. They’ve probably got their own plans for tonight.” I thought he was just distracted by his painting his whole time, but who knows? They were probably just all spending time together like a family.

“I didn’t see her car before today,” Mina says.

“Me either. But maybe they drove together from work or something.” I pause. “Oh, my gosh. I just thought of something.”

“What?” Mina asks.

We walk over to the dining table, and I say, “Maybe that’s why the guys never spend the night at the farm?” And maybe she’s not ready for farm life yet.” She did look pretty stylish when I saw her. I know cashmere when I see it.

“But if you think she’s been coming here anyway…”

“Okay, fine. It isn’t a solid theory. But I’ve always thought it’s weird that they never stay over.”

“Here, just try to settle your mind and eat some of this stew,” Grandpa says, handing us plates with a delicious-smelling beef stew and mashed potatoes. “Wallace gave me the greatest deal on braising steak down at the butchers. I was almost suspicious that something was wrong with it, but it looks, smells,” he pauses to take a bite, “and tastes just fine.”

That instantly reminds me of the time Dean insinuated that I’d gotten a deal out of Wallace because of my good looks. I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I fell for that too.

I take a couple of bites, but my appetite is gone, so I excuse myself from the table.

“Just let her go,” I hear Grandpa tell Mina, as I walk up to my room.

Well, at least I won fifty dollars. I cover my face with my pillow and scream into it.

An hour or so passes before I hear a faint knock on my door.

“Mom?” Mina asks.

“Yeah,” I say, my voice still muffled by my pillow.

“Can I come in?”

“Sure, babe.” I turn and sit up on the bed.

Mina opens the door and presents me with a warm bowl of the dinner I skipped out on.

“I thought you might be hungry now.”

“Thank you.” Man, I love my kid. I wave my hand to indicate she should come in further.

She gives me the stew and then sits on the bed.

“So—what was that?” She asks.

“What was what?” I ask, with my mouth full of food.

“Well, you obviously freaked out a little down there. After Grandpa mentioned the deal he got on the meat.”

I grunt. “It’s stupid.”

“It’s not if it makes you sad.”

“Fine. Dean, ugh.” I don’t even like saying his name now. “He and I bet each other fifty dollars on whether or not Wallace gave me a discount on some pork chops because he thought I was pretty.”

“Well, maybe he did,” Mina says. “You are pretty.” That deserves a hug, so I gather Mina in my arms and squeeze her tightly.

“Oh, yeah. And I’m sure he considers Grandpa Joe to be a total knockout, too.”

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