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I laugh because, weirdly enough, I’m pretty excited about them, too. But underneath I’m also savoring the closeness of sharing difficult memories and emotions. What is happening to our relationship, I don’t know, but I’m being pulled closer and closer to this man. And I think I may have to share THAT soon as well.

But I break off this line of thought with: “And you initially voted ‘nay’ to them.”

“Hey! So, did you!” He shoots back, a charming smile spreading across his face.

Dean’s hand reaches out to give my thigh a friendly shove, and I can feel the heat of his large palm through my jeans. I really, really need to cut back on the late-night romance reading.

“True. But I was just worried about Mina. When Mina came bursting through Dean’s door screaming about bees, I nearly had a heart attack.”


“But I read up on that suit that Dwight gave her, and I guess it’s helped a lot of people like her successfully manage colonies. Although, I’m still planning to stockpile the farm with epi-pens just in case something goes wrong.”

“That’s a great idea.” Dean seems to genuinely mean that.

“I’m honestly just so proud of her that she even wants to deal with this. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have something with a big old stinger that you’re allergic to flying around your face.”

“I remember when Dylan was younger and after the first anaphylaxis episode, I was so scared whenever he tried a new food.”

“I can imagine.”

For so long, it’s just been Grandpa Bob, Mina, and me that I’ve forgotten how nice it is to talk to another parent about these things. Sometimes, I feel crazy about how much I worry about Mina. And not just her allergies. Everything. Every time I blink, it seems like she’s getting a little bit older. But talking about this with Dean comforts me. Maybe it’s knowing that he’s facing the same worries, or maybe it’s his steady presence and deep, warm voice, but this ride with him today has made me feel calmer than I’ve felt in ages.

We pull up to Bruce’s shop, and I see Dean breathe deeply, relax his shoulders, and close his eyes for a minute. It seems like it’s been a while since he’s felt comfortable enough to unload on someone.

If I’m right, I’m happy it was me he trusted to help carry the burden of it.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Yep….. nope. Actually, no.” I’m not sure why, but I lean over and soundly kiss his mouth. He draws back, eyes wide in what looks like panic. But just as quickly he pulls me back and responds by deepening the kiss, his hands circling and massaging the back of my neck.

It seems like way too soon, but we part and stare at each other until Dean whispers the inevitable question. “Mae, what was that for?”

Talk about a buzz kill, pardon the bee reference, I think to myself. Now I’m embarrassed beyond words. What was that for? It’s more like what was I thinking?

“I’m, I’m sorry. I just felt like it was….. Never mind.” I jump out and race up the driveway in search of bees. My face is bright red, I just bet. Dean catches up to me with his long strides and again asks. He tries to grab my arm and questions me with a “Mae, wait.” But I just pull away and run. How am I going to pretend that didn’t happen? I’m so embarrassed. But, my, that was the best kiss I have ever had. Now I need to put it aside and try to carry on like nothing happened. Well, it sounds like nothing did on his end. “What was that for?” he said. Guess it was just a shock to him and nothing more. What a jerk I am.


“We’ve got them!” I call out to the kids and Grandpa Bob once we get back. “Mina! Get your suit on.”

She glances over at Dylan and rolls her eyes. But I give her my patented ‘mom look,’ and she goes inside. I don’t care how stupid she thinks she looks in it. My baby needs to be safe at all times with these bees.

Just don’t look at Dean and you’ll be fine. Act normal. And for goodness sake, don’t get close enough for him to touch you. My thoughts are like index cards, trying to flip their way back to two hours ago when I was holding on to my sanity. I’ve just got to pretend, no, believe, that the kiss meant as little to me as it obviously did to Dean. Deep breath, Mae. Deep breath.

Gratefully only seconds later, I hear the now-familiar sound of Dwight’s old car approaching.

“The bees told me that they were here,” he says, after getting out of the car. “I figured you might want my help getting everything started.”

Well, I have to admit, it certainly does seem like he has a ‘spidey sense’ when it comes to bees. I don’t understand it, but I honestly don’t think I want to.

“Hi, Dwight,” I greet him. “Yes, that would be great. Especially the first time. I want to make sure we don’t do anything wrong.”

He gets his suit out from the backseat and puts it on.

Dean and Dylan go inside their house, and Grandpa Bob and I do the same before emerging in similar garb. Hopefully, this will make Mina feel less self-conscious about her outfit.

“All right. Let’s do this,” Dwight says, excitement lacing his voice.

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