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I roll down the window of Dean’s truck, letting the cool air blow through my hair. Right now, Dean’s driving us to Bruce’s farm, the guy Dwight recommended we visit. Dean called Bruce a couple of days ago, and now we’re on our way to get our queen and other ‘worker’ and ‘drone’ bees. I’ve learned more about bees over these last few days than my entire time at school. I still can’t believe I’m doing this, with Mina’s allergy and all, but Dean has been so helpful calling these people, as well as his generally calming presence, that it seems silly not to at least try.

“Okay, just so I don’t sound like a complete idiot once we get there,” I say, interrupting the comfortable silence. “The workers are the queen’s daughters, right?”

“Yes,” Dean says, shooting me a smile that is way too charming.

I run a hand over my shirt. It’s the first time in days that I haven’t been covered in mud or hay. So, if I tried on a couple of different dresses before settling on a comfortable combo of jeans and a blouse, it’s only because it’s been a while since I had the afternoon off to dress up nicely.

“And then the drones are the males that only show up every once in a while…”

“I think only in the spring,” Dean confirms.

“Right. Their whole purpose is to search out virgin queens and impregnate them.”

“By George, I think she’s got it!” Dean’s laugh is deep, and it does things to me.

I sit back in pride, trying to ignore the stirrings of heat in my belly. We’re surrounded by beautiful farmland, and the sun glows in the baby blue sky. If we weren’t running an errand for our families, this might feel like a date.

“It’s so funny. If you had told me that this move would come with such intricate bee knowledge, I would’ve thought you were crazy,” I say.

“It is interesting to see the twists and turns that life throws at you, isn’t it?”

I stare at Dean as he drives. The sun is shining beautifully through the open roof of his car, causing the silver strands in his hair to sparkle.

“What is it?” he asks, catching me staring at him.

“Oh, nothing.” I try to hide my blush by turning my head to look out of the window.

“Are you sure? It kind of seemed like you were looking at me longingly.” Dean’s voice is teasing, but his words are hitting a little too close to home. Was I staring at him longingly? Dean Cornel is probably one of the hottest men I’ve ever known, but it’s not like I’m pining after him, right? I’m just enjoying the view.

I lightly punch him in the shoulder. “You wish. I have been wondering about something, though.”

“What’s that?”

“Dylan’s mother. Neither of you ever talk about her.”

Dean takes a deep breath in. Suddenly, I feel like I’ve stepped into something I wasn’t supposed to.

“Shoot. I’m sorry if this is too much to talk about.” I wave my hand in the air, trying to physically brush off the question. “Forgive me. I’m just nosey.”

“No, it’s okay. You opened up to us, so I owe it to you to do the same.”

“Not if it makes you uncomfortable.” Just because I’m at a place to talk about my past and losses doesn’t mean he is. I know that not everyone grieves the same. Sometimes, it takes people longer to heal.

“My ex-wife’s name is Anna.” Dean looks the same as before, casually driving down the country road. But his voice cracks slightly over her name, and something inside me aches for him.

“And she left us. Years ago.” His hands tighten on the wheel. “For someone much younger.”

“Younger? I mean, you have to be what? Thirty-four?”

The crinkles in the corner of their eyes show themselves as he smiles.


“Really? Wow. So, only two years from forty. Impressive.”

“What is? How hot I still look for an old man?” He shoots me a grin. His smile still doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but there’s less tension now in his shoulders.

Of course, that’s what I meant. But I don’t want to admit that.

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