Page 169 of Shameless Game

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That’s a classic Blair.

That’s the best line before we smile, tucking our phones away.

“Alright, goddammit,” Coach calls us into a huddle, and here we go.

In the third quarter, we orchestrate a heart-pounding, ninety-two-yard drive that ends in Goodwin scoring a touchdown. I’m feeling hopeful, confident.

We’re 21-24 going into the fourth.

When the offense takes the field again, we move to huddle as I catch Colt waving to the midfield. He spared no expense getting Forrest, along with Reese and Jake, seats to see our game.

“A-town. A-town. Coors. Sixteen,” I shout the call, the trick play where I’ll hand off to Goodwin, a Coors fan. Then he’ll trick defense and turn, passing to Colt, Mr. Sixteen Candles, who’ll be waiting.

And it works.

The crowd goes fucking wild for Colt as he struts across the end zone.

With the field goal, we lead 28-24. Victory is in our grasp. I can finally breathe.

But I’m lying to myself as our defense takes the field, and I stand on the sideline, trying to stay calm. I mutter, repeating my mantra, “It’s just a game. It’s just a game.”

But it’s not. Philadelphia’s offense can execute like ours. They look ready to kill our lead. I watch, cursing as they get their first down. They’re in our red zone and about to score.

And I feel sick.

And, oh fuck.

Coach storms my way with a fierce look I’ve never seen in his eyes. With his play sheet, he blocks his mouth. Cameras can’t read his lips as he growls at me, “I’ve never been so goddamn proud of you, Bronson, as I am today. And goddammit, I’m not just talking about this goddamn game. I’m talking about you. I’m talking about Hawke. That was some goddamn brave shit today. You’ve put it all on the line, so go win this game because you’re the best goddamn player I’ve ever coached.”

Goddamn, I’m shocked.

I just nod, smiling from ear to ear. “Yes, Coach.”

He marches away as I stare at the stands and the rainbow flags.

This time, I notice the signs that read “LOVE WINS,” and “THE FOURTEEN FOREVER,” and “YOU SCORED AN ALLY,” and “BRONSON, WE LOVE HAWKE TOO!”

“Need your mom’s binoculars?” Colt elbows up beside me, catching me taking it all in.

“Yeah,” I answer, “I can’t find our Tufted Titmouse.”

“Oh, she’s in the box suite with your mom, hearing all about our love of Puffs Tissues.”

I chew my mouthpiece, laughing. “Nah, I’m still a Kleenex man.”

“Liar.” Colt slings his arm over my shoulder. “Kleenex ain’t got shit on me because you’re my man now.”

Players hug on the sidelines all the time. It’s no big deal. But this is, and we know it. I’m sure every camera is aimed at us.

So fuck it.

I turn to Colt with a smile and let the cameras lip-read the words I say to him. “Love you, too.”

“Love, love, love,” it repeats in my head like my new mantra as we take the field with fifty-five seconds remaining in the game. In the game so many people need us to win.

I can’t fail them.

Because Philadelphia scored and got the field goal, too.

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