Page 50 of Skank

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Elle swallowed what was in her mouth. “We are. Does it surprise you?”

How the hell could I respond without sounding insulting? “No, I just don’t know of many guys that would like to share.”

“Some days are easier than others,” the emo muttered, running his hands along his jeans.

“He’s right,” Elle said. “It is hard, and it takes a lot of work.”

Wow. For some reason, I found it fascinating. I leaned forward, about to ask another question when the jock returned and told me the address. “You could’ve just Googled it,” he muttered, causing Alec to laugh. When he threw a glare Alec’s way, he quieted.

“Ah, yeah,” I mumbled, quickly texting Declan the address. “He’s right.” Didn’t think of that. My brain was mush, especially in the face of this…brother-boyfriend situation unfolding before me. Were they all with her, or were they together with each other, too?

While Kelsey was inside getting to know her vampire better, I got to know the group before me. They went to high school together, and they all happened to fall for Elle. They didn’t always get along, and it sounded like the emo, Xander, was a bit of a loner. They all loved her, and they spent a lot of time compromising.

Also a lot of time talking about their feelings.


It was crazy to me that these guys were in some sort of non-monogamous relationship. I mean, I knew those things existed, but I didn’t think I’d ever see one for myself. A lot of judgment must come with it, and I felt for them. No one deserved to be judged for who they loved, even if you loved more than one person at the same time.

My group of broken guys would never be like them. They’d never band together and overcome their differences to be with me, and honestly…I didn’t know if I wanted them to. Things were complicated enough right now, I didn’t need to add a whole group of boyfriends to the situation.

Could I even date more than one guy at the same time? I’d kissed them, but that wasn’t the same as dating. I didn’t know if I could. Elle, I think, was stronger than me when it came to that. Plus, I had Ray to think about. Any boyfriend—or boyfriends—would only be put in danger.

I got up, needing to eat or find some water…something. I’d lost track of time while talking to them, so I should check in on Kelsey, too. Make sure she was having fun and not being stupid. I walked away when Alec started asking Elle about her roommate, why she couldn’t come to the party.

As I headed to the house, leaving the warmth of the bonfire, I couldn’t help but be amazed at what I’d witnessed. That girl had her own harem. More power to her, I guess. Juggling all those dicks must get tiring, though.

I was about to step inside the house when the back door opened, and a girl appeared, not looking too happy. I knew why she wasn’t happy, too—she was the army girl, the one Kelsey had pushed aside. Her breasts were practically spilling out of her camo uniform, her midriff bare. It was only because her hair was a box-colored brown that I failed to recognize her right away.

Mostly because I was used to seeing her with shittily-dyed pink hair, and on her knees in front of Sawyer.


Chapter Twenty-Two – Ash

Brooklyn had looked better, and it was clear she was pissed. At Kelsey, and now at me, for being here. This, I realized, was her school. Brooklyn went to Stanton, and we were encroaching on her territory, right where we didn’t belong.

Kelsey had riled up the bitch, and now I had to face her. Great. Because tonight just couldn’t have gone well. Nope. Since it was my life, tonight was always destined to be shitty. So shitty you couldn’t even anticipate it to prepare yourself for.

Seriously. I never thought I’d see this bitch again, although after that bathroom encounter, maybe I thought that too soon.

“I thought I saw you,” Brooklyn sneered, setting her hands on her hips. Her fingernails were neatly manicured, and every part of her screamed desperate and trying too hard. “What the fuck are you doing here, bitch?”

“My name is Ash,” I said. She blocked my way inside, and we were far enough away from the bonfire that Elle and her crew of guys couldn’t hear what was being said. That, or they were too busy making out with each other. I was afraid to look.

But I didn’t need help. I could take this bitch down any day of the week.

“I don’t care what your name is. You’re pathetic, coming here.” Brooklyn sniggered, a smile growing on her face. “I do have something for you, though.” She stepped aside, and suddenly a man wearing a Batman costume appeared, beefy like a linebacker and not a weightlifter. He grabbed my wrist and tugged me inside as Brooklyn added, “It’s in the basement.”

The…the basement? Why the fuck didn’t that sound good?

Nothing good ever happened in basements, especially when a strong guy had you in his hands, his fingers digging into your skin and refusing to let go. I was pushed through the kitchen, and no matter how I fought and struggled, I couldn’t stop us from heading to the door at the back of the stairs. The man holding me dragged me down, and Brooklyn followed, grinning all the while.Everyone else was too drunk to realize something wasn’t right—that, or they were just willfully ignorant.

No one else was in the basement—shocker, because it was creepier than shit and full of spiderwebs—but I did see a blanket on the floor, right underneath a bulb that hung from the wooden ceiling.

Batman still had a hold on me, and I glared at Brooklyn, demanding, “What the fuck is this?” My heart was in my chest, in my throat, and I wanted to be sick. I knew what this was; I just wanted the bitch to say it.

She had her arms crossed, and she gave a nod to Batman, who then threw me down to the blanket. “While your friend gets her brains fucked, you will, too,” she grinned, the ugliest grin I’d ever seen on anyone’s face.

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