Page 27 of Freak

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“Why?” he demanded, grabbing the back of my head and forcing my lips back to his.

I let our mouths linger for a while, feeling his tongue push its way into my mouth, wanting to give in but knowing I couldn’t. Giving in wasn’t part of the plan. This douche needed to be taken down a peg. The last time I was at one of his parties, I kneed him in the nuts. This time? This time I was going for something a bit more dramatic.

“Because,” I murmured, breaking our kiss only to have him once again take charge, push us back together. I stopped grinding, taking his lower lip between my teeth. Such tender flesh, really. He was a fool for letting me get this close. I bit down hard, as hard as I could.

It only took a second, and by the time the pain registered in his head, it was already done.

I practically jumped off him, shooting him a glare as I watched him wince and grab his lip. “Because you can’t cheat and still win the prize,” I told him, grabbing my cup and storming back in the house after fixing my skirt.

“You bitch,” he called after me, stumbling as he got to his feet to follow me. His words were a little bit slurred.

I entered the house, immediately finding the pink-haired girl in the kitchen, asking about Sawyer, to which a few of the people getting drinks pointed to me. I gave her my best smile as I walked up to her. She definitely noticed the pink ends in my hair, and I definitely noticed her instant glare.

I didn’t have time to stand there and talk to her; I had to get out before Sawyer came in, so I did the one thing I could. I tossed my drink at her, drenching her in whatever alcohol I’d picked up. I had no idea whether or not she deserved it, but I wanted to make a scene.

“I hope you know,” I told her, ignoring the fact that Sawyer had just come inside, holding onto his mouth, “that when he’s inside you, he’s thinking of me.” Blood seeped through his fingers; I’d gotten him good.

The girl’s mouth dropped, and she kept blinking, her arms extended as if I’d just dumped a load of ice water on her. She said nothing, and neither did anyone else in the kitchen. Even Sawyer watched—though he did a hell of a lot of glaring—as I spun and walked away.

I found Will near the base of the stairs. From his position, he probably saw the end of it. I grabbed his hand, tugging him along like a puppy. “Let’s go,” I said, pushing out. I only wished I could’ve videotaped that whole thing.

Sawyer was going to be pissed, but at least he’d be thinking of me. Better me than that other girl.

Those lips of his wouldn’t go anywhere for a while.

I smiled.

Chapter Fourteen – Travis

I didn’t think Ash would show up to another Sawyer party, at least not for a while, but when I saw her stroll into the house, followed shortly by William, I knew something was up. While she went off and disappeared into the kitchen, I found myself studying William.

Why would he come with her? Why the hell was he even still here? If he thought he’d lay claim to her…he was sorely mistaken.

William hung back by the hallway, looking out of place. His hazel stare moved to me when I approached him, and he frowned. The expression did not sit well on his face. “Travis,” he spoke my name like a curse word. “Great. You’re here, too.”

“You bet I am,” I said. “I never miss Sawyer’s parties. Something always happens.”

“Or you have to bail your friend out of jail.”

I laughed. As if we ever got arrested. “I am surprised to see you here, though.” I didn’t like fishing for information, but I could tell if I outright asked about Ash, William would shut this conversation down.

“I’m not here because I want to be,” he said, crossing his arms. He was bigger than me, but he wasn’t as muscular as Sawyer. Sawyer gave a new name to working out. William was impressive, but I bet I could still take him down if I had to.

William stopped himself from saying anything else as Ash appeared, carrying a red cup. She moved to the living room, trying to find someone. Sawyer? Me? I’d admit, I was intrigued. She looked like she had a plan. She eventually held out a finger, telling someone to come to her, and like magic, Sawyer found his way to her, leaving his pink-haired fuck toy. They went to the back, leaving the house.

“This is your fault,” William muttered.


“You put that video on her phone. You showed her Sawyer with some other girl. She’s pissed.” William shook his head. “She’s been stewing about it for the last few days.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was, for the first time in a while, speechless. Was this her plan at revenge? Was this a punishment for Sawyer? My, my. My Ash and I were more alike than I thought. Continuously, she surprised me.

“I don’t know what she plans on doing,” William went on, oblivious to the wonder on my face and in my heart, “but she’s determined.”

Determined. I liked that in a woman.

“All I know is if Sawyer comes after her, I’ll…” William trailed off, and I focused on him. Was he saying he’d hurt him? William did seem like the type to steadfastly defend those he loved. Was Ash included in that number?

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