Page 14 of Spite

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“You want to talk, do you?” I swallowed a piece of chocolate before adding, “Then tell me all the gossip. Everything. I want to know everything I’ve missed.” I knew she hadn’t been here the entire time I was gone, but I’d get the gist.

Georgia managed to chuckle. “Why? Do you have a plan to rule the school?” When I looked at her, her chuckle faded, and she was deathly serious when she said, “You do. You do have a plan to—”

“Shh,” I shushed her. “That’s top secret, don’t you know?”

“You’ve seen high school movies, right? Plans like that always backfire when you’re least expecting them to.” Georgia rested her chin on a hand, looking at me with a whole new light. “It is kind of exciting though, not going to lie.”

I wasn’t sure I could trust Georgia with keeping the detailed secrets of my plan, so I’d just let her think whatever she was thinking. I leaned in closer to her, whispering, “What can you tell me about Jessie?”

“Christian’s girlfriend?” After I nodded, Georgia went on, “Well, she’s a cheerleader, gets decent grades. Everyone loves her. Even I like her, although I have no idea why she’s with that tool.”

“How long have they been dating?” If Georgia liked her, then she must be genuinely nice. And if that was the case, I was also clueless. Someone who’s nice shouldn’t be with that asshole.

Georgia thought on it. “Not that long. Maybe less than a month?”

I learned their relationship happened after winter break was over. Not long at all, but then again, romances in high school were always all or nothing. Everything or nothing at all. A whirlwind of emotions and hormones—they’d probably slept together by now, exchanged the L-word, among other things.

I wasn’t jealous. Not really. I could sleep with anyone I wanted, too. In fact, I had, back at my old school. The day after I learned…well, that my life was going to change. Brett Wenton. It hadn’t been much fun, truly. I’d wanted to do it, to release the pent up emotions inside of me, but in the end, it didn’t do much for me. He had a great time. Me? I was mostly in pain and stuck inside my head, wishing I had someone else’s life. It was before Leah and I decided that my revenge fantasies should become a reality.

“I’m partners with her and a girl named Sarah in chemistry,” I said, finishing up my chocolate. “She let me borrow her notebook since there’s a test next week. I didn’t know if she was just being nice to me to try to pull the rug out from under me later on.”

Georgia shook her head. “No, she is nice. Not like those bitchy cheerleaders you see in the movies.”

Great. That definitely put a damper on things, didn’t it? If Jessie was a nice girl, I didn’t want to hurt her. I didn’t want any friendly fire in my revenge. The only ones who should be hurting were the three in the Dick Squad.

When the lunch bell rang and it was time to go to our next classes, I took my time heading to chemistry. When I sat at the table I shared with Jessie and Sarah, I found Jessie already there. Christian and Alec weren’t here yet, which gave me the perfect time to talk to her without their eagle eyes on me.

As I sat down, I handed her the notebook she’d lent me. “Thank you for letting me borrow it,” I said, smiling.

“Oh, no problem,” she quickly said, meeting my smile with one her own. I detected not a hint of animosity toward me; I couldn’t say why I hoped she’d feel some kind of annoyance or some negative emotion toward me.

Wait a second, yes I did. I wanted her to be mean, I wanted her to be like Christian, because then I wouldn’t feel so bad about breaking them up.

“How do you like the school?” she asked, leaning on her elbows. Sarah came into the room, moving to sit beside her, and it wasn’t too long before I saw Christian and Alec enter the science room too.

Did her question mean she didn’t know I’d been a part of this school district before? Had Christian told her nothing about me? Hmm. Maybe I could use that to my advantage, somehow.

“It’s good to be back,” I said, my grin forced.

“Back?” Jessie echoed. “You came here before? I don’t remember you.”

“From kindergarten to the middle of sixth grade,” I said. “I was actually in Christian’s class.” I tossed out the fact as if it meant nothing, but I saw the way her eyes shifted toward her boyfriend, who was busy glaring at us. When Christian saw Jessie looking at him, his expression softened and he returned his focus to Alec. Or pretended to.

“Huh,” Jessie muttered. “Wonder why he didn’t say anything.”

I shrugged. “Who knows? Boys are weird.”

Behind Jessie, Sarah nodded enthusiastically. “True that.” Her words made Jessie laugh, and I watched the friends talk about what was going on this weekend. Maybe she was just a good liar, but Jessie seemed nice.

Sucked that I’d inevitably have to break her heart as I broke Christian’s.

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