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J: It's a date, beautiful.


“Well, hey. Have fun with your friend, and I’ll be in touch. Happy Thanksgiving!”

“You too! See ya.” She smiled as she walked away and headed towards the front door. As she stepped outside, the frigid Connecticut November air was like a punch in the stomach, and she hugged herself. She briefly wished she’d called an Uber, but decided that at this point, on the night before Thanksgiving, the walk, though freezing, would be a lot quicker.

“What the fuck took you so long? I’m out here freezin’ my balls off.”

She flipped around to see Tyler standing there. “Seriously? No one told you to come pick me up.”

“You didn’t think I was gonna let you walk home in this shit, did you? Come on, my truck’s runnin’ and I’m parked illegally.”

She followed him to his truck, which was double-parked about a half-block from The Bull. He opened the door for her, and she climbed inside, where she was grateful that he’d blasted the heat and turned the seat warmer on for her. He got in, and before she’d even heard his door close, his lips were on hers.

She moaned as she felt his tongue rubbing against hers slowly. He knew exactly where to put it and how to move it, which excited her. His right hand snaked around the back of her head, and his left made its way up her thigh. She grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him deeper into the kiss, unable to get enough of him into her mouth. She wasn’t sure how long they’d been at it, but they only stopped because someone honked at him to move.

“Alright, dickhead! I’m goin’!” he yelled, shifting into drive and pulling off.

She looked over at him, breathless. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I thought once we hooked up, we’d get it out of our systems and that’d be it.”

“Nope. So many things I didn’t get to do to you yet. We make it out of the parking garage without my face in your pussy, it’ll be a miracle.”

“Ty, I just don’t want this to ruin our friendship.”

“I already told you it won’t.”

“I don’t wanna go three days without talking to you again.”

“Mar, you know why. It had nothing to do with us fucking, alright? Stop being so paranoid, like I’m fuckin’ goin’ somewhere. I’m not.”

“I’m sorry. I just…I think I may have lost Ryan, and I don’t wanna lose you, too.”

“You didn’t lose Rook. He’s just figurin’ some shit out. And you won’t lose me. I promise you.” He turned into the parking garage, found a spot, and turned the truck off. “Come on,” he said, as they both got out. He grabbed her hand and held it as they entered the building and waited for the elevator. He was wearing sweatpants and, very clearly, nothing underneath.

“See somethin’ you like?” he teased, noticing her staring.

“I see a lot of things I like,” she replied, grabbing his other hand and leaning in to kiss him again. The elevator door opened, and they stepped on, continuing to kiss slowly until it reached the sixth floor, where they got off and she dragged him by the hand down the hallway toward her apartment door.

“Damn, woman. Slow down!” he laughed, trying to keep up with her.

“I’m sorry,” she said, fumbling through her bag for her keys. “This is all I’ve thought about for weeks.” She finally found them, got the door open, and dragged Tyler inside by his arm. Once the door was closed, she pushed him up against it and began kissing his neck as she tore open his jacket.

“Hold on,” he said, pushing her hands away gently. “Clearly I’m gonna need some energy for you tonight.” She continued to claw at him as he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket.

“Wanna slam a Red Bull? Think Ry has a few left in the fridge. He knows how much I hate those fucking things.”

“Nah,” he said, removing a small bag about a quarter of the way filled with white powder. Holding it open, he dipped a finger in and scooped. Before she could even say anything, he brought it to his nose, snorted, and it disappeared. He shook his head a few times and stuffed the bag back into the pocket of his jacket. “What?”

Amara crossed her arms and stared at him, as he removed his jacket and hung it over the back of one of the stools, running his fingers up and down his arms in a jerky motion. “So, you’re that guy now?”

“What guy?” he said, moving close to her and reaching for her waist with twitchy hands. “If you mean the guy who’s about to fuck you into a coma, then yes. I’m definitely that guy.”

She blocked his hands. “You’re a fucking cokehead now, Ty? This why we didn’t talk for three days, because you were high outta your mind?”

He rolled his eyes, removed his hat, and tossed it onto the counter. “I really wish you’d get off my dick about it,” he said, pacing in front of her. “I know what I’m doing. You don’t need to act like my fuckin’ mother all the time, you know.”

“Do you? Because I’ve seen people destroy their lives because of this shit.”

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