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“Ryan, stop. No, that’s not what I said. It’s just…”

“Goddamn it, Amara.” He shook his head. “Stop it. I watched the way you two kissed, the look in your eyes. I’ve never seen that look before. You can both keep telling me there’s nothing there, that it’s just sex, but you’re fucking lying. I’m not stupid. I know you think I am, but I’m not. You’ll never admit it, but you and I both know he’s the reason we’re not together anymore.”

“I don’t…I don’t have feelings for Tyler. We’re just…”

“Friends. Right. Let me ask you a question: if he was 15 years older, would you date him?”

She didn’t answer.

“That’s what I thought.”

Ryan’s phone rang; it was Hayes. “Yo, man.”

“Rook, what the fuck happened, man? Jenna said Mar went after her?”

“I’m not entirely sure what went down. I kinda came in at the tail end of it.”

“Put her on the phone.”

Ryan handed the phone to Amara. “What?” she huffed.

“Yo, what happened?”

“If you wanna talk in person, I’ll talk in person. I’m not doing this over the phone.”

“Where are you?”

“The main concourse. By the Central Market.”

“Stay there.”

“You better come alone!” she yelled, but he’d already hung up.

Within a couple minutes, he was there, wearing his wool hat and the blue plaid suit he’d worn to the wedding. He approached them and immediately hugged Ryan. “Thanks for being here, man. Means the fuckin’ world that you came.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. You looked awesome, man.”

He turned towards Amara and grabbed her hand. “Hey. Come here,” he whispered, pulling her in for a hug.

“Hi,” she said coldly, barely hugging him back.

“Thank you for being here.”


“You’re pissed at me. What the fuck could I have possibly done?”

Ryan walked away, giving them their space. Amara stood with her arms crossed.

“What happened?” he asked.

“She’s lucky she still has teeth in her fake-ass mouth. You ran back to her? Really, Hay Hay?”

“Mar, don’t.”

“Oh, I will!” She lowered her voice, knowing they were within earshot of Ryan. “You had zero problems inserting yourself into my relationship, which, by the way, I ended on your advice. She cheated on you, and you’re back with her?”

“Who the actual fuck said I’m back with her?”

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