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“Ooh, you don’t think she killed him, do you?” Ryan asked, sitting down and stuffing an entire cookie in his mouth.

“I hope not, or we’re all gettin’ called in for questioning,” Tyler said. “Anyway, that was the last song. Apparently, the DJ quit after watching this dickbag try to dance.” He pointed at Ryan, who promptly flipped him off. “I’m gonna go find Nick and say goodbye, and then go sleep in my fuckin’ truck, I guess.”

Ryan leaned over to Amara after Hayes had walked away. “You look smokin’ tonight. Did I tell you that yet?”

“About eight times,” she laughed, grabbing his hand. “Thank you, again.”

He sat back in his chair. “I’m just so lucky. I can’t stop thinking about the other night and how hot it was sharing you with someone else but knowing that you’re still all mine after.”

Judging by the slight slurring, she assumed he was caught in the middle of a whiskey-fueled ramble, so she indulged him. “Yeah, it was pretty hot. She was…talented.”

“I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it, but I fuckin’ loved it.”

“Yeah, it was kinda fun. I guess.”

“You know, I’ve had a few drinks.”

“You don’t say, Ry?” He was definitely drunk, but not sloppy, slide-down-the-wall drunk, for which Amara was eternally grateful.

“And,” he leaned in and whispered into her ear, “I’m feeling pretty generous again right now.”

“OK. Well, in case you haven’t done a once-over, it's slim pickin’s around here. Hardly any women, and the guys that are here wouldn’t really be barking up this tree if you catch my drift.” She grabbed her phone and stuck it in her purse. “Wanna head up to the room?”

Ryan motioned over to where Hayes was standing and talking to Mark and Nick.

“Yeah, we’ll stop and say goodbye on the way out.”

“No, Amara. I mean, Hayes?”

“Yes, Ryan. That’s Tyler Hayes, your teammate.”

“No, I mean…you know. Hayes?”

“I’m not picking up what you’re putting down, stud.”

“Did you wanna maybe, I don’t know…invite him up to our room and play around with him a little.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re hilarious. Really. Come on, let’s head up.”

“Amara, I’m not kidding.”

“Thought our little arrangement didn’t include him?”

“It didn’t. But you look hot. He looks hot. I’m drunk. And I want...I mean, I know you want him. You should get what you want.”

“What’s the catch? You wake up tomorrow regretting it, blame me, and I’ve gotta find a new home? No thanks, Ry. I’ve seen how your brain works.” She stood up.

“Well, that’s a lie, because my brain doesn’t work.” He stood up and put his arm around her. “Come on, let’s go talk to him.”

“Ryan, are you positive? I mean positive, because if this gets chucked back in my face, or if this is some kind of test that I’m supposed to pass…”

“Amara?” he brought a finger to her lips to “shush” her, then whispered in her ear. “Do you wanna ride his cock tonight or not?”

She felt her heart begin to race and her legs turn to gelatin. “Yes,” she said quietly, biting her bottom lip.

“That’s what I thought. So, let’s go talk to him.”

“It has to come from you,” she told him.

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