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“Holy shit!” Tyler plopped down at the table, where Amara had been engaged in small talk with a few of Mark’s coworkers. He was feeling no pain, having downed about his sixth Jack and Coke. Amara had started the night grabbing them for him, but they quickly realized no one was checking ID. He’d spent the last half-hour tearing up the dance floor, which amused Amara to no end, seeing as he couldn’t dance to save his life.

“Having fun out there, Dancing Queen?” she teased, watching him slam the nearest glass of water and wipe his face with his arm.

“Yeah, but I’m sweatin’ like a whore in church.” The jacket and tie had come off and his shirt was halfway unbuttoned.

“Lettin’ all that luxurious chest hair fly free tonight?” She grabbed onto his collar with one hand and tugged it lightly.

“Respect the chest lettuce, eh? You know you think it’s sexy.”

“Perhaps a little.”

“It’s so hot in here. Come on,” he said, grabbing her by the arm and standing up. “Come get some air with me.”

They made their way back into the lobby and headed out a side door, which led to an outdoor sitting area, where the firepits were roaring since it was a cold, New York November night. They found a couple of chairs and Amara sat down, immediately rubbing up and down her arms. “We can’t stay out here long. It’s freezing.”

“You kidding? This feels like Heaven!” She felt him put his jacket around her shoulders before sitting down next to her. “I got you. Grabbed it for you on the way out, since I know your old ass is always cold.”

“Thank you.” She pulled it tightly around the front of her. It smelled like him, and she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply.

“So, talk to me.”

She sighed. “What do you wanna talk about, Tyler?”

“This little arrangement between you and Rook…”

“Jesus, Ty. You don’t quit.”

“What’s the end game, Mar?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, where’s it headed with him? I don’t know if you know this, but I spend a considerable amount of fuckin’ time worryin' about you.”

“Now why would you go and do a thing like that?”

“Because!” He stood up dramatically and threw his hands up. “You’ve been through hell. You…you should be out here havin' the time of your life, doin’ whatever you want. You meet a guy at work, you wanna go home with him? You should go home with him. Meet a hot, young stud in the laundry room you wanna bang? You should bang him.”

“Provided he doesn’t have a girlfriend at the time,” she reminded him. “Or believe me, I would’ve.”

“Duly noted. Anyway, you shouldn’t be tied down right now, especially not with someone as fuckin’ needy as Rook. You know he’s impossible, Mar.”

“I am very capable of making my own decisions, Tyler.”

“Are you though?”

“This is exhausting. I really don’t wanna do this with you anymore.”

“Good!” he yelled. “Because I don’t wanna do this anymore with you either. Jesus, Amara. I’ve been walking around with a raging hard-on for you for two months. I had a girlfriend, then you had a boyfriend, now I don’t have a girlfriend, and you and your boyfriend have an actual agreement to bang other people, which somehow, I got excluded from. What the fuck are we supposed to do? Ignorin' it clearly isn’t workin' anymore.”

“I don’t know, Ty. I wish I did.”

“Well, here goes nothin'.” He dropped down to one knee in front of her, reached into the pocket of his jacket, pretended to have a ring box, and pretended to open it in front of her. “I have a question to ask you. Amara, will you…” He clasped his hands together on her lap, shook them back and forth, and pretended to cry. “Will you please let this happen? I’m begging you! We kissed for half a second today and I’ve already jerked off twice in my hotel room. Twice. I can’t smack it to you anymore, woman. My dick is legit gonna fall off. Please?” He looked up at her, with slightly drunk eyes and the stupidest grin plastered across his face.

“Get. The fuck. Up!” she laughed, kicking him, as he stood up and sat back down next to her.

“You like that?” He nudged her. “You got a 20-year-old begging you for it. Literally begging. You better knock it off with that insecurity shit, woman. There’s not a man alive you couldn’t fuck if you wanted to.”

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