Page 130 of Breaking Ryan Baylor

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“Why does he have an IV? You can’t give him any pain medication yet, right?”

“For fluids. With concussions, especially when loss of consciousness is involved, there’s always the risk of vomiting, so we usually don’t allow patients to eat or drink. Any other pain, Tyler?”

“My shoulder. I had surgery for an AC separation about a year ago, and it’s...I think I reinjured it.”

“We’ll get you an X-ray for that, as well. Mom, brother? I’m gonna ask you guys to step out so I can perform some tests now. You can wait in the hallway.”

Ryan kissed his hand. “You got this,” he said, getting up and walking towards the door. “Oh, by the way,” he stopped in front of Dr. Ramara. “If you’re looking for cognitive function?” Ryan shook his head. “He doesn’t have that on a normal day.”

“Fuck off, Rookie.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said with a smile. “Son, you should probably get some ice on that eye. Mom, stop by the nurse station, let them know you need an ice pack.”

“Will do. Come on, son.” She grabbed Ryan by the hand, and they left the room. Amara checked her phone, and there were a few messages from Jake.

J: There is a legitimate entourage of people here for Ty. Nick already notified his real mom, FYI. She's on her way.

The next message was a picture of the waiting room, where Nick, Hastings, Reilly, Osi, Kasic, Dalesy, and Rizz all sat waiting for Ty. She smiled, showing it to Ryan. “You guys really are like one big family.”

“Yep. One big, fucked-up family,” Ryan said, checking his own messages and typing a quick update to Luke.

He looked over at her.



“You’ve been OK?” he asked.

She nodded. “You?”

He nodded, and they both moved to hug each other at the same time. She inhaled deeply out of habit, expecting to breathe in his signature cologne and deodorant combo, but quickly remembered the olfactory details of the current situation and pulled away.

“Thank you,” he said quietly.

“For what?” she asked, confused.

“For moving out. I never got the chance to thank you. It had to happen. I fought it for a long time, but I know needed to happen.”

“I know. And you’re welcome.”

“So where are you living? Dani won’t talk, and Ty swears you haven’t told him.”

“I haven’t. But I can tell you where I will be living in about a week.”

“And where’s that?”

She hesitated, then finally said, “Florida.”


“Yep. Jake’s company is relocating, and he asked me to go with him. I’m gonna...I’m gonna go.”

Ryan sighed, sitting down on a nearby chair, as they’d both been standing. “Amara?” He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, exhaled loudly, then opened them. “I think that’s a really good idea, and I’m happy for you.”

“Yeah?” she asked, surprised. “You like him?”

“Very much.”

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