Page 126 of Breaking Ryan Baylor

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“Is he OK?”

“One moment.” She continued typing on the computer for what felt like hours, then finally said, “He’s stable now. You can go back and see him. Wait here, and I’ll have someone bring you back as soon as I can.”

“OK, thank you.”

She apprehensively paced back and forth, unable to even consider sitting down, until finally, a nurse came out to get her. “For Tyler Hayes?”

She nodded.

“Follow me.”

Heading down a long hallway past rows of patients, she finally made it to where Tyler was. When the nurse pulled the curtain back, he lay in a bed, hooked up to all sorts of monitors that were beeping and blinking a million different ways, with an IV in his arm.

“Mar,” he whimpered upon seeing her, and she raced to his bedside, grabbing his hand as he began sobbing.

“Baby, what happened?”

Unable to get any words out, she waited for him to calm down a bit. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember before waking up in the ambulance is that I was behind the net fightin’ for the puck. I saw the guy comin’ in from my peripheral, and I don’t know what happened after that. They told me I was unconscious for a while. All I know is my shoulder is fuckin’ killin’ me. This could...Mar, if it’s my shoulder again, this could be the end of my career.”

“No, stop it. Don’t even fucking talk like that!” she scolded him, caressing his hand as he began sobbing again. “They’ll fix you right up this time just like they did last time. You’re gonna be fine, OK?”

They sat together quietly for a bit, as she stared at his heart rate and blood pressure readings on the screen, both of which were bouncing wildly like a pinball. Suddenly, he sat up. “Mar, get the...” he heaved, “trash can.”

Before she could grab it in time, he turned his head away from her and threw up onto the floor. She handed it to him so he could finish and ran out into the hallway.

“Hey! We need some fucking help in here!” she yelled.

A nurse approached her. “Ma’am, please keep your voice down and watch your language. What’s the problem?”

“I’m sorry, it’ friend. He was brought here after being hit in...his hockey game, and now he’s vomiting. him!” she cried, remembering having heard somewhere that vomiting after a concussion was a bad sign.

“OK, we’ll take care of it. Just calm down, OK? Why don’t you wait out here while we get him cleaned up?” She pointed to a chair in the hallway, and Amara reluctantly took a seat, as she listened to him continuing to vomit.

Suddenly, it dawned on her.


Ryan must have been an absolute fucking mess right now.

Pulling out her phone to give Jake an update, she noticed there was already a message from him.

J: Ryan's here. I've got him, but he's flipping the fuck out.


The game had been an absolute barn burner, with Springfield and Bridgeport having been knotted five to five at the start of the third period. Both teams had been playing amazing hockey, but the tension was becoming thicker by the minute and emotions were beginning to get the better of both teams.

Hayes, in typical Hayes fashion, hadn’t stopped running his big mouth from the moment the game had started, having taken two minutes for delay of game after yanking one of the Thunderbirds’ sticks away from him and launching it into the crowd like a scud missile. The ref hadn’t even known what to call him for, as he’d never seen anything like it, but decided that delay of game was probably most appropriate.

“Aww, come on! He deserved it, the fuckin’ piece of shit,” he’d argued with the ref as he skated backward towards the box. "You know why I did it, right?”

“Get in the box, Mouth,” the ref ordered.

“He called me a fuckin’ faggot. So, we’re cool with that kind of homophobic language? You know I’m currently dating a dude, right? Fuckin' him right in the ass!” he yelled, as the ref skated away, and he entered the penalty box. “Thought hockey was for everyone, bitch!”

Skating back over to him, the ref said, “I’ll address his language with him. But you can’t toss your opponents’ sticks into the crowd, and you can’t call me a bitch. I’m giving you two more for unsportsmanlike conduct. Now shut your mouth unless you wanna make it a 10.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Hayes screamed as Rizz skated over to the box.

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