Page 118 of Breaking Ryan Baylor

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“Rook? That's enough.” Hayes pulled him back toward him, but he pushed him off.

“Nope, we’re just getting started.”

“Nah, fuck it. It’s my turn,” Amara cut in. “Never have I ever treated someone like absolute shit simply because they didn’t feel the same way I did about them and I was too goddamn immature to handle it.”

“Aaaand, here we go,” Hayes mumbled.

Ryan nodded, chugging. “OK. Never have I ever lied to someone I was dating about my real relationship with my roommate and his boyfriend because I’m so goddamn desperate to move on from it that I just don’t give a fuck who I hurt in the process!”

Amara snickered, throwing back her entire glass of wine and chucking the empty glass against the wall, shattering it. “Fuck off, Baylor!” she yelled, popping up from the floor and storming off toward the front door.

The room went silent, as the front door slammed. Ryan got up to go after her, but Jake strong-armed him. “Leave her, man. I got her.”

“The fuck you do, bro!” Ryan snapped, pushing his arm away, as they both got up off the floor and headed towards the door, with Hayes scrambling right behind them.

“Fuckin’ ay!” Hayes bitched, flipping off the other three guys in the living room on his way out. “Great idea, you fuckin’ twatwaffles. Really. Top fuckin’ notch.”

The four of them exited the apartment, leaving Dalesy, Kasic, and Jonesy alone.

No one said anything for a while until Dalesy sliced through the silence with, “Never have I ever blasted a fart while getting head.”

“I think the game’s done, man,” Jonesy replied, as he watched Kasic slowly raise his beer and take a sip. “Oh, you filthy bitch.”


“Hey!” Ryan called, jogging after her down the hallway. “Hey!”

She didn’t turn around.

Hayes and Jake followed them as they headed towards the elevator. “You wanna be with her, man? You better get used to this shit.”

She pressed the button for the elevator, as Ryan came up behind her. “And where do you think you’re gonna go right now?”

“Someplace where you’re not!” she spat back. The door opened, and she tried to get in, but Ryan reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back. “Don’t fucking touch me, Ryan Baylor!”

Jake made a move like he was going to step in, but Hayes held him back lightly. “Relax. She can handle herself.” Hayes pointed to the ground and took a seat so he could keep an eye on their argument, beckoning Jake to do the same. “This? Is what Rook and Mar do.”

“Why the hell’s it so contentious between them?”

Hayes snickered. “I wouldn’t even know where to start. I will say this though: a huge part of the problem? They’re the same exact fuckin’ person. One just has a dick. Frick and fuckin’ frack, those two.”

She let the door close without getting on, and Ryan let go of her. “I asked you to please not fuck this up for me, Ryan.”

“You fucked this up for you, Amara. Not me!” he yelled. “You ever gonna start taking responsibility for anything that happens in your fucking life, or you just gonna live forever as a victim?”

“Rook, it’s late and we’re in the hallway. Keep it down,” Hayes warned.

“Oh, you’ve got some fucking nerve, kid! Those questions? What the hell was all that?”

“Why won't you just be honest with him?” Ryan asked, motioning towards Jake. “He seems like a good enough guy, probably too good for you...”

“Oh, really? Well, everyone knows Tyler is entirely too good for you!”

Hayes shrugged, leaning over to Jake. “Can’t fuckin’ argue there.”

They bickered back and forth while Jake and Hayes watched rapt, like it was an episode of The Real Housewives of Bridgeport. “What is it I need to know here, man?” Jake finally asked Hayes.

“Listen, whatever you need to know? Needs to come from her. Rook’s immature as fuck, but he’s got a point. You two need to have a talk.”

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