Page 104 of Breaking Ryan Baylor

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“That’s the word on the street,” he said, picking up the key card, biting the bullet, taking a few deep breaths, and opening the door.

The fuck?

He looked around and realized Hayes wasn’t even there. “Where the hell did he go?” Ryan said aloud, emptying his pockets and beginning to take off his suit. He’d gotten down to his boxers and began rooting around in his overnight bag for a pair of shorts when he heard the door beep and then open. Hayes came in, giggling like a little girl and carrying a plate with several slices of pizza heaped onto it.

“I definitely just took like, what was left of Dalesy’s pizza while he went to go…well, hey there. Didn’t know it was gonna be this kinda party,” Hayes joked, catching a glimpse of Ryan standing there in his underwear. He tossed the plate down onto the table in front of Ryan, picked up a slice, and shoved it in his mouth. “I literally just knocked on doors until I found food. I had to eat somethin’. I’m fuckin’ starving. Take what you want.”

“Nah, I’m good. Not really hungry.”

Hayes shot him a dejected look and stopped chewing. “Do you know,” he began, his mouth full, “what kinda hoops I had to jump through to get that shit for you?”

Ryan rolled his eyes and smiled. “Fine,” he said, grabbing a piece, biting it, and putting it back down. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Hayes finished the slice he was eating, scarfed down another one, and flopped backwards onto one of the beds. “I will be so glad when this night is over.” He pulled off his T-shirt and laid there in his sweatpants, as Ryan threw on a pair of shorts over his boxers. Hayes gave the thumbs-down. “Boo! I was enjoying the view. Just don’t cover up those sexy ass abs.”

“Oh, I was just about to get dressed and suggest we head down to the bar, do some Jaegerbombs. No?”

Hayes sat up, put his hand over his mouth, and shook his head slowly. “Dude, don’t even joke. Don’t. Even. Joke.”

“Sorry,” Ryan said, as he had a seat on the other bed. “So what do you think practice is gonna look like on Monday?”

“I don’t even wanna think about it, man. We’re in so much trouble. I'm guessin’ suicide drills until someone vomits. And I love how I’m gettin’ all the blame. I didn’t hold a gun to anyone’s head and make them get fucked up.”

“Yeah, but you paid for it all, so you might as well have.”

“Whatever. Everyone had a good time. At least I think they did. I don’t have a clue what the fuck happened. I’m lucky I didn’t wake up in a ditch. Thank God Osi’s always got my back, since my two other besties pretty much left me for dead.”

“Oh, you are the most dramatic motherfucker I’ve ever met.”

“And you wouldn’t have it any other way, Rook.”

“So is Osi pissed you weren’t rooming with him this trip? You guys always room together. Why’d it change?” Ryan fished, lying down on his side and propping himself up on one elbow, facing Hayes.

Hayes rolled over on his bed to face Ryan, propping himself up the same way. “Dunno,” he shrugged, smirking. “Maybe he’s sick of me and needed a break.”


Hayes moved, and a sharp pain shot through his shoulder. He winced, grabbing it and sitting up.

“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked, sitting up as well.

“That fucking hit I took in the second. Got my shoulder good. I didn’t say anything to Nick because he’s a fuckin’ spaz and would’ve pulled me, but it’s killin’ me.”

“Your bad shoulder?”

“Yep. It’s…fine. I’m fine.”

“Here,” Ryan said, getting up and moving over to Hayes’s bed, sitting down next to him. “Lemme work it a bit. I’ve got Biofreeze if you want.” Ryan brought both of his hands to his teammate’s shoulder and began to rub lightly, Hayes leaning his head forward. “Is that good?”

“Perfect. Yo, you’re spoilin’ the shit outta me today, eh? Got me undressed, geared up, outta my gear, dressed again, now this?”

“What can I say? I have a soft spot for your stupid ass, Hayes.” He continued rubbing his shoulder, and he felt his heart start to race. “Maybe someday you’ll return the favor. Karma, right?”

Ryan continued for about a minute. “Still good?” he checked in.

“Actually, could you go a little lower?”

Ryan moved his fingers down a bit. “Like there?”

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