Page 90 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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“Guess we should get goin’, eh?” Hayes said, reaching for the toilet paper dispenser, pulling off a huge wad, and mopping up the mess they’d made.

“Think the NHLPA would approve?” TK joked, as he spread his legs so Hayes could throw the toilet paper into the bowl. “They just paid us a lot of money to jizz on each other.”

They both stood up and pulled their clothes back on, and as Hayes reached for the door lock, TK stopped him. “Hey,” he said quietly, bringing a hand to Hayes’s cheek. “Ty? I, uh…I love you. You don’t have to say it back. I know you’re in love with Ryan. And it’s not…I’m not in love with you. But I do love you. And this? Means something to me, OK? I…I don’t know. I just wanted you to know that. You’re not someone who, like, deserves to be used or hurt.” TK nodded. “You deserve to be loved, worshipped. And if he can’t see that? Then fuck him.” He removed his hand from Hayes’s cheek. “But that’s what you deserve, baby.”

Hayes nodded, his lips trembling as he blinked rapidly to no avail, as a few tears found their way out. He was unsure if he was crying because of TK’s beautiful post-nut speech or because he missed Ryan Baylor more than he could even begin to put into words.

Maury Povich Would Be Proud (26)

January 28

Day 12

“Here,” Amara said, tossing the meatball sub from Wawa at Hayes, who sat with her at one of the picnic tables outside in the courtyard of Regency Recovery Home. “Just make sure they don’t see the baggie of coke I hid inside!” She raised her voice on the second half of that sentence, Hayes smacking her.

“Yo, babe. You can’t,” he laughed, balling up a napkin and tossing it at her, “say shit like that in here.”

She rolled her eyes. “I get it. They don’t want people sneaking in drugs or alcohol. Understood. But they stopped just shy of a full-on cavity search on me. I feel like I need a shower.”

“Tell me about it. Went shoppin’ the other day and they took my fuckin’ mouthwash from me,” he complained, opening the sandwich, taking a bite, and closing his eyes. “Mmm. So fuckin’ good,” he mumbled with a full mouth. He peeked over the table to steal another glance at JT, who was peacefully asleep in his carrier on the bench next to his mom. “He needs to wake up soon. I need to hold him.”

“Bite your tongue,” she warned, taking a bite of the salad she’d bought herself. “I love my son, but I cherish every moment he’s asleep. Though the colic seems to be settling down a bit. He doesn’t scream for nearly as long or as loudly as he used to.”

Amara had come up to see Hayes for dinner, him first having gotten approval from Annelle since the residents usually ate meals together and took turns cooking and cleaning up. He’d agreed to do double duty next week as a tradeoff, since tomorrow would be the first night he’d be spending with Ryan at his new apartment.

And he was shitting bricks just thinking about it.

They’d spoken the same day Hayes had texted him after finding the pictures online and then hooking up with TK in the arena bathroom. Ryan had assured him he’d only spent the night because they had an early flight and he needed to make sure he actually got some sleep.

“Yeah, right,” Hayes had grumbled. “I’m sure you got lots of sleep in between rounds of suckin’ on that blond bitch’s cock.”

“Actually, he’s usually the one sucking my cock, if we’re being honest,” Ryan had shot back. “Look, I’m sorry you found those pictures. I’m even sorrier that apparently I have a stalker now, but whatever. It’s not…there’s nothing to be worried about, OK?”

“Do you love him?” Hayes had asked desperately.

“Fuck no,” Ryan had immediately replied. “He’s…a means to an end right now. Besides, we had a long talk on the plane ride. We’re done hooking up. It’s getting…way too complicated, but we’re done. OK?”

“I jacked myself and TK off together on a locker room toilet at the rink today,” Hayes had blurted out, immediately palming his face.

“Oh, OK then. Wow, Hayes. On a toilet, you say? That’s…congratulations?”

“I fuckin’ miss you, Rook. My heart is all but dead. I don’t know what else to do.”

“You could maybe try, I don’t know, not jerking off the guy you cheated with on a toilet. That’d be a good start.”

“I’m such an idiot.”

They’d proceeded to chat like nothing had even happened and had agreed to meet up on Hayes’s first permitted night away, having earned it after getting through his seven-day probation period. He’d opted to stay at the house Sunday through Thursday since he had practice every weekday, having chosen Fridays and Saturdays for his nights away.

The first of those nights being tomorrow.

“So, how are things with Ry?” Amara asked, putting the garbage from her salad into the plastic bag. “Have you seen him yet?”

“He came up to see me last week for a minute when he got back from his road trip. We ended up going out for a coffee, which very quickly turned into blowjobs in the back of the Range Rover.” Hayes shrugged. “You know how we roll.”

“That I do, Ty.”

“I’m stayin’ with him tomorrow night for the first time. I’m fuckin’ terrified.”

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