Page 47 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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And Hayes hadn’t been this excited about anything in a really long time.

As the Isles’ practice ended, the guys made their way down the tunnel and back into the locker room. Hayes went directly to his stall and within seconds, TK was there, drive-by dropping pills onto his tongue so inconspicuously that he was gone before Hayes even closed his mouth to swallow them.

The two had it down to a fucking science.

Hayes grabbed his phone to check his messages, noticing that the alarm was going off silently, right on cue. He wanted to see if there was anything from Ryan, but there wasn’t.

So, he texted him instead.

H: I love you and I miss you. I can’t wait to be with you tomorrow night. It’s all I can think about.

As Hayes set his phone down and began pulling off his gear, TK was heading toward the showers but stopped to talk to him. “Plans tonight?”

Hayes shook his head. “Nah. I’m just gonna lay low at home I think, watch a movie or some shit.”

“Um, fuck that. Your birthday’s tomorrow and since you’re gonna be with pretty boy after the game, I’m taking you out tonight. Nothing too crazy, but be ready by 9.”

“Teek, I can’t…” Hayes called after him as he’d started to make his way to the showers. He’d had a flashback to last year’s birthday festivities and the shitshow that had followed after he’d managed to get almost the entire Bridgeport Islanders team annihilated the night before a game.

“Fuck. That!” he called back, not turning around. “You will be ready by 9. And dress nice.”

“Shit,” Hayes muttered, unable to stifle the smirk that was creeping across his face as he wondered just what in the fresh hell his teammate had planned for him.

It was just one night, and they’d both been so good.

One night couldn’t hurt, right?


“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now? Holy shit, dude!”

A completely clean-shaven Hayes, dressed in a tailored black suit that hugged his amazing body to perfection and a light purple dress shirt, gawked at the lime green Lamborghini that was parked in front of his apartment building.

“Yep. Huracan Tecnica. V-10, 630 horseys, baby.” TK, wearing a dark blue suit that looked like it’d been sent to him from God himself, tossed him the key fob. “Got her ‘til tomorrow. Knock yourself out.”

“Dude, there’s no way…are you serious?”

“Oh, get the fuck in already,” TK ordered, tilting up the passenger door and maneuvering his way inside. These cars weren’t exactly designed for tall people, but with some careful placement, it could work. “You ever driven something like this?”

“Nah. Always wanted to, just never really had the…” He stopped talking, grinning at the engine’s throaty rumble as he started it up. “Teek. Yo. Holy shit!”

“Happy birthday, baby.” TK winked at him and patted him twice on his right thigh, letting his hand linger briefly before pulling it away. “Let’s take her for a ride, shall we?”

“Where we headin’ tonight anyway?” Hayes asked, looking around the dash wildly, trying to figure out how to shift.

“So, it’s a DCT. The trans will work the clutches for you but you can use the paddle shifters if you want,” TK explained, reaching over and pointing them out. “Or you can put it in auto mode and just cruise. That’s,” he said, gesturing to the button, “right here.”

“Umm, yeah. That’s probably the way to go.”

Hayes had a blast driving them around for about an hour, eventually hopping onto the highway to see how fast he could push it, finally chickening out and backing off when he’d hit 145 mph. “Teek, this is fuckin’ unbelievable. This is like a 300-thousand-dollar car, man.”

“You deserve it, baby. You deserve it all, to party like the fuckin’ star you are. Speaking of which…” TK typed into his phone for a few seconds, plugged it into the car, and told Hayes to follow the directions, which ultimately landed them at one of the most prestigious and notorious strip clubs on Long Island.

Hayes drove up to the valet and waited in line, shooting TK a look of uncertainty. “You sure this is a good idea? I mean, they’re watchin’ us, man.”

“You know what? Then let ‘em watch us. Besides, we’ve been really good. We deserve a little treat.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out two little blue pills, popped one onto his tongue, and lifted the other one to Hayes’s face. “Open up, baby.”

“But my alarm didn’t…”

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