Page 23 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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Ryan snickered. “You know you’re not supposed to take more than like, six in a twenty-four-hour period. You’ve had, like, 12 today.”

“That is just a suggestion,” Hayes remarked, imitating Baymax from Big Hero 6, watching as Ryan began hitting his pen in an attempt to even out the anxiety he was experiencing again lately. It’d come back earlier on the boardwalk and a few hits usually leveled him out.

“It’s really…not,” Ryan said, doing his best impersonation of Honey Lemon, then shaking off a feeling of regret as he remembered how much they used to love getting stoned and watching that movie together back when things were still somewhat normal.

“We jumped out a winnnndooow!” Hayes would always say, and the two would proceed to crack up.

Things had never been completely normal between these two broken boys, and honestly, they probably never would be.

But that’s kind of what made it work between them.

Both had demons, persistent demons, and both had lost to those demons more times than they could count.

In spite of that, both were still standing, bloody and bruised, swingin’ wildly at those motherfuckers with everything they had in them.

Unfortunately, Hayes was beginning to gas out.

“I’m taking a shower,” Ryan announced, pulling off his jeans and boxers, tossing them into the hamper, and heading into his bathroom, leaving the door open behind him.

Hayes, who spoke fluent Ryanese, knew damn well that was an invitation.

Before following his sexy as shit boyfriend into the shower, he decided he needed a little pick-me-up. The oxys weren’t hitting yet and there was no way he could be an effective fuck feeling the way he did. He waited until he knew Ryan was inside and heard the glass doors shut before rummaging through the second to last drawer in Ryan’s nightstand.

It was the drawer Ryan never opened much, so it was the drawer Hayes had decided to stash some coke in the last time he was here, for such a time as this. He unwrapped the small bag from the two other larger plastic bags in which he’d hidden it, dipped a finger inside, and brought it to his face.

He shook his head, wiped his nose, and headed toward the bathroom, his heart thumping out of his chest. He stared at his boyfriend through the glass shower doors, immediately getting hard at the sight of Ryan’s wet, naked body.

Ryan was the most beautiful human being Hayes had ever laid eyes on and he took every opportunity he could to appreciate just how gorgeous he really was.

“I think I could seriously just stare at you for the rest of my life and die happy,” he told him, beginning to remove his clothes. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Rook.”

This earned him a half-smile from Ryan, as he slid one of the doors open. “Yeah? Get in here and show me how beautiful I am then.”

Hayes shed the last of his clothes and climbed inside. “Don’t gotta tell me twice.” He brought both of his hands to Ryan’s face, leaning in and attempting to kiss him, but Ryan pulled away. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re twitchy, blotchy, and your nose is bleeding. Did you?”

Hayes nodded. “Oxy hasn’t kicked in yet and I wanna have sex with you. Just a little bump so I’m not completely useless.”

“Get it from my nightstand?” Ryan asked, lifting his hand to his boyfriend’s nose, gently wiping the blood away with his thumb, then rinsing his hand under the running water.

“How’d you…”

“I’m not stupid, Hayes.”

“I know you’re not, Rook.”

“I fucking hate that you’re doing this to yourself. I love you, but I hate this. I just need you to know that.” Ryan wrapped both of his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “And I really hate that he’s encouraging this shit.”

“Don’t fuckin’ blame him!” Hayes snapped. “This is all me. Doesn’t have shit to do with him.”

“Yeah, OK,” Ryan mumbled, pulling away from Hayes and turning his back to him.

“You know, I think I’ve figured it out, Rook.” Hayes ran both hands up Ryan’s back and gripped his shoulders.

“Oh, have you? What exactly have you figured out?”

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