Page 123 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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“So, you just said you don’t deserve me,” Ryan began. “The truth is, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. Tyler, anyone who’s ever known you is a better person because of it. It shatters my soul when you get down on yourself because if you could see you the way I see you? You’d be much kinder to yourself. You’re a fighter, Hayes. A warrior. When you set out to do something, you do it. It doesn’t matter how many obstacles get in your way or how many times you fall flat on your face. You always get right back up and come out victorious.

“Remember when we had that conversation in your truck and I told you I was jealous of you? Back then, I meant it. But I realize now it wasn’t jealousy at all: it was admiration. I’m in awe of you every single day, and I have been since I met you. You’re so good to your people, Hayes. Even at your lowest point, when your own tank was on fumes, you were still an amazing friend to Trav, and you fought like hell to keep our relationship alive when it was pretty much on life support. There’s no question we’ve had our ups and downs, but I don’t care about any of that. I told you I’m your safe space and I meant it. For the rest of my life, I want all the ups and downs and everything in between. I love you, Tyler Alexander Hayes.”

All you could hear were sniffles throughout the entire courtroom, the judge even tearing up a little as he explained the ring ceremony. Hayes turned toward TK, who approached him with the ring he’d been holding onto for him. They each recited the words, Ryan removing the ring from Hayes’s right hand and placing it onto his left, followed by Hayes placing the ring he’d bought Ryan on his ring finger.

They both smirked at each other. “I’ve never worn a ring before,” Ryan whispered. “This feels weird.”

“Well, you better get fuckin’ used to it, eh?’ You’re mine now.”

“I’ve always been yours.”

“Tyler? Ryan? True marriage is more than just a ceremony or a piece of paper. It is a lasting bond that brings two hearts and two lives together. It is a bond that consists of love, companionship, trust, respect, and honesty. May you always be each other’s strength, solace, safety and comfort, and may you never go a day without laughter. May you celebrate the good times, support each other through the bad times, and never forget exactly what brought you here in the first place.

“By the authority vested in me by the State of Connecticut, Tyler and Ryan, I now pronounce you married. You may seal it with a kiss.”

They both placed their hands on the other one’s cheeks and stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before smiling and bringing their lips together for the slowest, gentlest, most beautiful kiss they’d ever shared. The cheers and clapping erupted, and soon after, they pulled away, grabbed each other’s hand, and thrust their joined arms into the air.

“We’re fuckin’ married!” Tyler yelled, then turned to face Ryan, appearing slightly panicked. “Oh, my God, Rook. We’re…married?”

Ryan nodded. “Yep. That’s usually what happens when you have a whole ass wedding ceremony, Hayes.”

Hayes slipped one arm around the back of Ryan’s waist and leaned over, resting his head on his husband’s shoulder. “I’ve never been so fuckin’ happy in my entire life.”

“Samesies, “ Ryan said, kissing the top of his head. “Now, just wait until I get you alone.”

Happily Ever After (35)

“Fuck, Rook. Just like…that,” Hayes gasped.

Seated on the floor with Ryan bouncing in his lap, he leaned back, letting his head smack the wall behind him as Ryan, hands now wrapped around his throat, rode him through the pulses of his orgasm. Ryan had already shot off all over Hayes’s stomach a few seconds before, and as Hayes finished coming, Ryan collapsed forward onto him, both of them completely spent, held up only by the wall behind them.

Following the ceremony, they’d taken all of their wedding guests out for an exquisite dinner, during which they’d shared their first, and probably only, dance as a married couple to “I’ll Stand By You” by The Pretenders. The song had been Ryan’s favorite on the “Tyler Misses Ryan” playlist.

Once everyone had said their goodbyes, the newlyweds headed over to the luxury king suite Hayes had booked for them at an inn and spa. He knew they wouldn’t be able to enjoy it for long, as Ryan had to leave for Boston early tomorrow morning, but he wanted every moment he could spend with his new husband to be absolutely perfect.

They’d made it inside the door of the suite and had barely gotten it shut before throwing their bags to the ground and tearing each other out of their clothes, movie-style flying dress shirt buttons and all. They couldn’t fuck each other fast enough, and though they’d taken the necessary extra few seconds to grab the lube, they’d ultimately committed a cardinal sex sin, having both ended up butt naked minus their socks.

“That felt amazing,” Ryan whispered, tracing Hayes’s chest tattoo with his index finger before lifting his head and planting a series of soft kisses along his jawline. “I’m so in love with you it hurts.”

“I fuckin’ hope so, Rook. ‘Cause you’re for sure stuck with me now.” He flashed his ring in Ryan’s face. “No returns, bitch.”

Ryan flashed his ring in Hayes’s face in response. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Speakin’ of,” Hayes said, grabbing Ryan’s left hand and pulling the ring off. “You didn’t check out the inside.” Ryan reached up and grabbed the ring, twisting it and squinting so he could make out the inscription, which read, “My Rook. My everything.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Just like you. Now, go get cleaned up so I can give you your Valentine’s Day present.”

“But wait, there’s more!” Ryan joked, moving gingerly off Hayes’s lap and making a face at the mess that ensued as things were removed that had been holding other things in place.

“Not gonna lie,” Hayes offered, as he watched Ryan get up and make his way to the bathroom, his ass ultimately losing the battle against his husband’s load. “That’s kinda hot.”

“Um, no. Just…no.”

Once they’d showered and thrown on some sweatpants, Hayes presented Ryan with a shoebox-sized gift wrapped in red paper as he sat on the suite couch. “I’m having flashbacks to last Christmas. This isn’t another jersey for me to wear while you give me back shots and cum as you stare at your own name, is it?”

“First of all, don’t act like you don’t fuckin’ love that shit. And second, you think a jersey’s gonna fit in that box?”

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